
paul plumer

:confused: I got up this morning and my two percs were missing ? checked filters for debri but saw nothing , went to work came home still no percs , noticed last three weeks they been scaping ? some one told me they could be nesting under rock , anyone heard of this,i dont want to tear out my live rock to find them ?

salty rick

Could they have jumped out? I have had fish to disappear only to find them dryed out on the floor at the back of my tank. I have a canopy but an open top tank.
You might want to check your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. If you have an ammonia spike it is an indication that they have died and are lodged under rock and are decaying.
If you have a lot of liverock, there is a chance that they are hiding. Ive said before that my clown likes to fan the sand and make mounds of sand. When he does this next to live rock he basically traps himself in a little hole. This could be your problem. They could be carpet surfing though.

paul plumer

sweetlip looks normal no fish on floor or in filters , my pistol shrimp keeps gravel dug out from under live rock, does any one know if percs nest under rocks or not

paul plumer

1- perc was 1 1/2", other almost 2" sweetlip 3" , i dont think he is big enough to eat one let alone 2-percs and i would atleast see debri from the slaughter?


Active Member
I found one of mine in the sump the other day. He was alive. I still dont understand how it got in there.

bang guy

I would aviod disturbing your rocks. If they don't come ut to eat in a few days then they're probably gone. The detrivores in out systems can take care of a fish carcass in a matter of hours.
The Pistol Shrimp would certainly eat them, but probably only if there were already dead.
Clownfish are not big on jumping out so I don't think that's it.

paul plumer

well with further investigation i found about 1/2 of a perc caught behind over flow box inside tank , it seems wierd they would eat both ? man what a bummer , tomorrow i take the sweetlip and the lemon angle back to the lfs.whay would be the best rock cleaner/ colorful fish to raplace ,any suggestions , i herd of a fish that partners up with the pistol anyone know its name and what it looks like ?


It's called a Shrimp Goby. There are many different species, all
which do not associate with any snapping shrimp. They're fairly
easy to take care of and are fun to watch. They look like a typical
goby, long-slinder body, facial expression, and also shift the