Perfect tank?


how about this for my reef tank? ( 29 gallon )
1 striped damsel
2 common clown
1 royal grommy
its been set and it is ready so dont even ask baout that, im not getting anymore fish until june


Active Member
You might want to reconcider the Damsel...
Do a search on them to see what a lot of people think about them in the "long run"...


Active Member
Damsels are a royal pain in the a$$. I just had to tear my 90 down to remove two of them.


Active Member
I hate to jump on the bandwagon, but I think you'll end up having problems with that group. Your clowns and the damsel are very likely to fight, as they are in the same family of fish.

bang guy

Do you know what species the "common" clown is?
Swap a Clown Goby or Barnacle Blenny for the Striped Damsel and you'll be fine IMO.


Active Member
Or you could swap the damsel for a bangaii cardinal. They have black and white stripes as well, and are far prettier, in my opinion.


Active Member
Well find out for sure, but the most commonly available clown is the ocellaris also known as the false percula. I'd be a bit wary of a fish store that just calls them "common clowns."
The yellow-tail damsel IS tamer than most. This was the first saltwater fish I owned, and also the only "original" fish that I still have. It bothers my maroon clown quite a bit, but thankfully the damsel is mostly a poser, it barks but won't bite. There is no way I could get away with it in a smaller tank though, it would cause lots of problems.


New Member
I agree with everyone else, scratch the damsel. Get a peaceful fish like a firefish, small wrasse (sixline), or some other small peaceful fish. Good luck with your new tank! :)