

Active Member
well all fish have a personality I think the best will depend on what you like the best about them..
puffers tend to be like fur less puppies begging for attention and food.. lions tend to have that regal essence to them to some they may be a bit boring but to others like me for instance I like the proud flowing look of integrity they seam to have..
now my ray when i had him he had a fun personality hubby would say that he would just kinda swim around the tank all day until i walked in the door then he would rush up to the front and swim right up tp me and let me pet was a daily ritual for us..
although most of my fish tended to be more aware of my presents than anyone else in the home.. as if to say yayyy mom is home we get dinner now lol


By algae blennie if you mean lawnmower blennie...I agree too
BUT I also have a very weird raccoon butterfly that steals food from my hands, and dances in the flow of a koralia...LOL


Active Member
Yes the Lawnmower by far..............
Butt ugly little guy but his personality easily makes up for it all.......

I was going to say lawnmower blenny too. I have throughly enjoyed mine. He is a total blast to watch.
Now aside from fish my hermits are pretty hilarious too...


Active Member
out of all my fish i would say that my Sailfin Tang has the most personality by far. as soon as i walk into the room he swims back and forth and when i set on the couch in front of the tank he swims up to me and watches me.


Lawnmower blenny by far. Back when I was feeling all down and lonely, my blenny would sit for hours at the edge of the tank and watch me watch him. I have plenty of fish that like to beg for food, but none have that type of personality.


Active Member
I always enjoyed the personality of my lawn mower blenny as well.
Puffers definitely need to be considered as well.
Triggers have a lot of personality too. They are very smart fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Patriot54
What makes the algae blenny so popular?
I can be standing 20 feet away and see him seeing me and start quickly swiming back and forth to get me come feed the pig...
Also I can sit and stare at him very close up and it is like he just plain likes to then watch me too....... It must be those odd eyes or something like that..........They seem to be very smart little guys....... He will always be sitting somewhere staring at you ............


our juvenile mappa puffer wins hands down. I should take a video of him its hysterical. splashes water and shakes like a wet dog.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BRIAND7878
I think the porc puffer has the most personality. IT will follow you all over the tank and eat out of your hands.
Another great fish to watch
But he will eat things I like to keep in a Reef tank....


Active Member
Agreed, it just depends on what type of tank you want. A "full reef" (
), blenny's are up there. But hands down, I think large puffers take the cake as far as interactions with people. The way they beg, splash, and split at you

Triggers are very 'social' with other fish in the tank. They love structure, and perhaps some of them are a bit bossy. They love playing with things in the tank, and playing in the waves.