Pet Pic Contest


Good Thread!! Im in, cat.#2. This is Oliver my English Bulldog.First pic is him guarding the house ( well at least the couch). Is he a good watch dog? Yea, he will watch a burglar take everything from the house while sitting on the couch. 2nd pic is his second fav. sport, watching the cars go buy while laying in the bed hes not supposed to be in.



love the little brindle chihuahua.. I have a fawn "teacup" chihuahua.. shes only 2.5 lbs.. her name is Lola

the white one is her sister Lexi.. My grandma's dog


starting at coach's spider:
N Sarno:
The white dog doesn't look like he/she (can't tell) doesn't like taking pics...My dog does the exact same thing, I got a mini italian Greyhound...She is so annoying
*But we luv her*

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mebanesox7
Fishfatty lucy get a 7.4
Seth u gets a 9.0
ryan urs gets a 7.4
Travis a 7.6 on first pic
and a 7.4 on second
ranch a 7.1 first pic
7.3 on second pic
7.2 on 3rd
hot833 gets a 7.3
misty gets a 7.3
7.3 on second
6.9 on t hird
6.8 on last

Fishfatty lucy get a 7.4
Seth u gets a 9.0
ryan urs gets a 7.4
Travis a 7.6 on first pic
and a 7.4 on second
ranch a 7.1 first pic
7.3 on second pic
7.2 on 3rd
hot833 gets a 7.3
misty gets a 7.3
7.3 on second
6.9 on t hird
6.8 on last


hey TX REEF i think i got the winning sail boat name...I know u and ur wife will luv it...look at my last posts....not the really long ones that i got off the internet but the very last couple...the ones about ANIT and TINA...i know u'll luv themmmmmm


Tanner and Paige, Second pic. Tanner Paige and Riley. My wife is a vet tech and Riley was here temp, as the people who had him could no longer take care of him. We thought about keeping him but three was to many and we really didn't have time for three dogs.



And a close up of Tanner. Funny.. we have more pics of our animals than we do of us. WE love our Cockers. They are inseperatable. Tanner has to be in a kennel because he has back problems
and Paige just lays next to him outside the kennel.


Active Member
Logan, my keeshond. i have some cuter pictures, but for some reason i always have trouble editing them down small enough to post.

clown boy

Active Member
Are you serious about coachKLM's big 20 points????? :scared:
Anyways, here are some more pictures.
The last picture is the same dog as the others when she was younger.



Active Member
woot an 8! i have 2 pictures where he cocked his head to one side, then the other, but when i try posting them it says i can't be more than 500x500. there's a couple pictures that take up the whole screen. how can i make my uploat bigger?

clown boy

Active Member
Upload them to a website such as PhotoBucket, then post the link, not to the page that it is on, but to the actual image. It will display the actual picture on the thread.