Pet store expects fish shipment, but gets corpse


Active Member
PHILADELPHIA – Employees of a Pennsylvania pet store expecting a shipment of tropical fish and salt water got a man's dead body instead. Mark Arabia owns the Pets Plus store in northeast Philadelphia, where the mix-up was discovered Tuesday. He says he learned the body was that of a 65-year-old San Diego-area man who died of early onset Alzheimer's disease.
The body was supposed to go to a research laboratory in Allentown, a 70-mile drive away.
US Airways Inc. released a statement saying the air cargo problem was caused by a "verbal miscommunication between a delivery driver and the cargo representative." The Tempe, Ariz.-based airline said it's deeply sorry.
The fish were shipped in three boxes. The corpse was shipped in a wooden coffin wrapped in cardboard.
Arabia said the fish were left at the airport and probably died.


Those fish were probably my order...LOL....
How awful...imagine that family.....and those poor fish that suffocated in bags


OMG that makes for interesting fish shopping! Yikes what a horrible mix-up indeed! I wonder what fish they were!


Active Member
i could care less what type of fish they were its awful that they got stuck at a air port to die.


OMG, that is terrible for everyone!!
I actually know that store. My hawk came from there... I couldn't imagine opening that shipment.


Active Member

Originally Posted by meowzer
You would think the size of the package would have been a "dead" give away...
Exaxtly, yet, no one questioned it. They "thought" they were getting a large shark.
I really hate how news' sites/articles never give the full story. The full story changes everything, in my opinion.
Full story should include these facts:
-The store never opened up the box that contained the dead body. They simply looked at the invoice, saw that it was a dead body, and said, let's not open that one.
-The place where fish are picked up in Philly is also the SAME place where bodies is shipped to and picked up from. Dead bodies can be seen there ALL the time.
-The fish died at the airport because the store has all their shipments on COD. Furthermore, their delivery driver did not bring proper ID to pick up the fish. It is the store's fault that the fish died at the airport; not the airport. The store supposedly went there right before the receiving warehouse closed Monday night, tried to get the fish without proper ID, and then when they could not, had to come back the next day to pick up the fish.
Furthermore, the news article is inaccurate because the fish were not left at the airport. They were picked up Tuesday, brought back to the store, where it was said that 90% of them did not make it.
What's even more amazing is that the store manager actually came onto radio station Wired 96.5 and volunteered ALL of this information over the air on a phone interview this morning.


Active Member
This site has a picture of the box... no one in their right mind would think a fish was inside. It was 8 feet long!
The more and more I read about this story and think about, the more I think it may be a staged incident to get the store some needed positive publicity. Not too long ago, if you typed the store name into google, these articles show up:
The manager of the store said on the radio that they went down to the airport right before they closed Monday night to get their fish shipment and that was why they could not go back to the northeast and get their ID in order to return to get their fish. However, the pictures on the above wesbite have the store owner standing next to the box in his truck in daylight; which means that they could have still driven back down to the airport to get their fish later that night with proper ID this time. They could have definitely made it back down to the airport to get the fish before they died overnight.


Active Member
Ewwwww parvo. That's a nasty little disease isn't it? Smelly, fatal, and highly contagious. The worst part would have to be the smell.