Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Cat has her own pillow... and she'll bite the junk out of me if I mess with it.

A pet that bites you is not a good pet..JMO, it would not have a happy home for long with me. Kitty and her pillow would be outside. I may even put kitty in the pillow case and tie a knot and then put it outside.
I used to allow my dog to sleep on the bed. It is a BAD idea, and if you are just starting you should stop it before it is so ingrained you can't.
Dogs smell like dogs, and frankly if you sleep with Fido you will smell like Fido. You can't smell it but others can. Then there is the hair, and if it ever happens and it can...the fleas, and then last but not least...Fido thinks he is your equal. You lose Alpha points in his eyes. All this not moving and hogging space, it is because you are now an equal, not a master.
I have $300.00 sheets on my bed, and a nice down comforter...my dog USED to sleep in my bed until the day he decided he had to spin in a circle before laying down. He ripped a hole in the comforter with his toenail, what a mess..feathers everywhere, a $400.00 comforter ruined.
For what it is worth, cats are impossible to keep off the bed unless you lock them out of the room altogether.
Cats have no alpha, they know they are lord and master, but they do leave hair everywhere and unless kitty always stays inside, there is always the possibility of fleas and ticks..I love my dog, he now sleeps at the side of my bed on the floor. and my Mother loves her Siamese cat, she tried putting a towel down to save the sheets. After finding 3 ticks on the bed…we started using advantage from pet meds for the cat now, but EEEEWWWW. Even the thought of a tick or flea on the bed freaks me out. Fleas are like critter lice..

BTW...if your children show up in school with flea bites in Wisconsin you will get a visit from chidren and family services. My Adult son was given a choice, lose the dog or lose his children.