PH alk kalk


Active Member
Hi Again
Still having pH probs.
PH - 7.9 or maybe 8
Alk 9.6 dkh
Calcium 480
I was dripping kalk for a month or so but calcium went up to 500, so I've had to stop (correct?). I had not added any calcium seperatley whilst dripping kalk.
I'm slowly adding pH buffer (I've noticed corralline turns white when I do this), but I don't want to raise KH too much.
I have pulsing Xenia which seems fine in there, should I worry too much about pH? Could kalk raise KH to 500 or over?


Active Member
Tested today at about 2pm. Can't test at night because my digital pH meter broke (next item on buy list) and the test kit is no good in artificial light.
IMO you're doing it right with the dosing.
Buffering or kalk?