pH and dkh help


I have been fighting to keep my ph up and dkh down. Can any one help me? The ph is 7.9 and the dkh is 18.2. I've been trying different suggestions but I'm running out of options. Please Help:help: :help:

bang guy

What suggestions have you tried?
ALK cannot just climb all on its own so you must have been adding Carbonate or Borate.


I think the problem started when I added pro buffer dkh and reef buffer. Before adding these the dkh was fine. Just trying to get the ph up and now dkh is out of wack. Been doing water changes once a week for the past couple weeks, don't want to shock the tank.
No I am not using a ca reactor.
Any suggestions on ro units I need a new one.

bang guy

Water changes will help.
In the future sou should avoid trying to artificially bump up PH. PH is not a level, it's an indicator. If PH is low or high it indicates a problem. You need to fix the problem not add chemicals to change the PH.
That's like trying to use white-out to fix a typo on the bulletin board. It doesn't fix the problem, it just makes it invisible.