Ph Help


Can someone HELP me? My pH will not stay at 8.3.
I use seachem marine buffer to get it to 8.3,
then in about two weeks it goes back to 8.1
What can I do to keep it at 8.3?

nm reef

Active Member
If your PH stays in that range (8.3-8.1) then I wouldn't wory about reaching perfection. Also if you measure your PH at different times of the day you'll probably get slightly different results. I've always tried to maintain a 8.0-8.3 range and never concern myself with a perfect ...stable...ideal number.:thinking:

bang guy


Originally posted by Newone
But is it ok to use marine buffer to control the ph?:happyfish

Not in my opinion.

bang guy


Originally posted by Newone
:confused: Then what should I do to keep
My PH up ?

Please reread the post from NM reef.

bang guy


Originally posted by J-Cal
Bang do u dislike marine buffers in general or just the brand he is using? And why?

Marine buffers are great for increasing Carbonate and bi-carbonate levels. Using them to raise PH is a recipe for disaster. Carbonate & Calcium need to be in balance or they may begin to precipitate. A precipitation event can lower PH significantly, enough to kill.
Some buffers use Borate to raise Alkalinity instead of Carbonate. An excess of Borate can make it difficult to see if your Carbonate is balanced with your Calcium. Using Borate is fine but you need to test for it and subtract it from your ALK reading to determine what your Carbonate is.


Okay, I went out and got a alkalinty test kit. Followed the instructions and got 4.0 meg/L. Is that high or low and how to fix it?

bang guy


Originally posted by Bang Guy
Carbonate & Calcium need to be in balance or they may begin to precipitate.

I have no way of knowing if that ALK level is high or low without knowing your Calcium level.

bang guy

Correct, ignore the Borate ALK. The Carbonate:Calcium ratio is the important one.
I'm a firm believer that Borate in excess is a problem. I'm in the minority though.
Does anyone know how to convert Calcium mg/L to PPM?

bang guy

Thank you!!
I thought so but I didn't know Calcium could ever get below 250ppm in a reef tank.
Newone - Your Calcium is critically low. I don't know how it got that way. My guess is that you had a precipitation event but didn't notice somehow.
I would suggest a series of water changes to get your water parameters back up.


Thank you Bang Guy & everyone else

I will start with a water change today.
:thinking: I am starting to understand what you
are saying about calcium and alk.,
in how it effects the pH. Found some website
addresses that are helping me understand