PH issues - Best way to resolve?


I've been struggling with a low PH issue since I set up my 90g reef and I'm in desperate need solution -- once and for all.
My PH is currently 7.8
(just calibrated my Pinpoint monitor before measuring). This is even 2 days after a 25% water change. I use RO/DI water for everything (saltwater mix and top off). I use Reef Crystals for salt and mix it two days before I add it to the aquarium. My circulation seems good, I have 2 maxijet 1200s along with the return pump which is a Mag 9.5. coming from my 30g sump. I also have a ASM G2 Protein Skimmer in the sump. I took the glass canopy off the tank weeks ago, that seemed to help raise the PH a bit.
My parameters have been fine and consistant (except for PH):
Temp: 7.95 (pinpoint)
Salinity:1.024 (refractometer)
Ammonia: 0.0 (salifert)
Nitrite: 0.0 (salifert)
Nitrate: 0.5 (salifert - high resolution)
KH: 8.6 (salifert)
Alkalinity: 3.1 (salifert)
Calcium: 420 (salifert)
Phosphates: 0 (salifert)
I've searched all over these message boards and I don't know what to try next except for Buffers - which I try to avoid -- Unless someone here can tell me that it's not a bad idea.
What else can I do?


Active Member
I also have a 90 gal. and my PH was running about the same as yours. I was using Oceanic salt and then Tropic Marin and PH didn't make a difference between them. I think I determined that my PH issue was because I have a water softener that runs before my RODI unit. I turned it off for a few weeks and it helped the PH in my tank a little. I was then around 7.95. I used the Seachem PH buffer for 4 days in a row and now the PH is stable at 8.1 and my Alkalinity is where it should be. It also brought my calcium down to the 400 range whereas before it was just over 500.
More than likely your Ph is low due to "closed house syndrome" I would actually start using a Kalk drip method and not the buffer. And on nice days open the windows.


Active Member
Dragonladylea wrote;
More than likely your Ph is low due to "closed house syndrome" I would actually start using a Kalk drip method and not the buffer. And on nice days open the windows.

So what would you drip? I am curious because I run into the same problem and am always looking for new ways.


Active Member
Have you tested your water prior to going through the RO/DI unit? Most water is not sufficient for a saltwater tank. I buffer my water (top off especially) with seachem reef buffer to get the water at 8.2. Try testing your water, you will be surprised. This is true with alkalinity also.

bang guy

Your ALK is a touch low but that's not the problem. Add a little buffer if you want but it won't help your PH long term. I recommend against buffering your fresh water.
Your problem is either excess Carbon Dioxide or something is rotting.
Make sure there's no detritus collecting anywhere and you have plenty of waterflow. Lots & lots of waterflow.
Then check your skimmer and make sure it's operating at peak performance.


Active Member
Dragonladylea wrote;
Here is a good source to help you. You can use various things.

What source would that be?


Thanks everyone. I think I'll look into the Kalk drip method. I've been hearing good things about it. I think my problem may be "closed house syndrome". Up here in NY, there's not too many opportunities to open the window's in the house in November.


Active Member
When I had a problem like this. I added another ph right at the surface of the water so it was really getting turned up. This realy helped bring my ph up.