pH low, WHat do I do?


I haven't been as diligent about tank monitoring as I should have been. Consequently pH has gotten away from me a bit. and NO3 seems to be on the rise everything I test:
I have fish, corals, and lr/ls and i need to know whats the safest way to get things back under control. or if there are additives that have benefits other than just bringing up the pH. It's only a 29 gal tank and I don't want to let a small problem turn into a big one.


Well-Known Member
my 55g with fish there had a ph dip after about 3-4 months. I emphasize and recommend the use of macro algae or other marine plants to stablize and balance out the system. What happened in my case was that ph more or less rose as the system aged. Ph will affect new additions but the existing livestock should be already adjusted and doing fine. Sure try some macro but even more importantly, allow the system to adjust. you probably have buffers in sand or rock plus some algae. All of those may just need a little time to Kick in.

the claw

Active Member
I would start with a small water change. That will start your change back to the good side of things.

the claw

Active Member
Bare in mind, you don't want to do too much too fast, because a rapid shift will damage your livestock more than what your numbers are now.


The tank has been running a little over 6 months. I haven't tested for Ca-dkH. is there a reliable test kit I can buy?
95% of the time I test the water in the AM before I go to work. I'll try it again when I get home tonight.
I have caulerpa sp. growing in the tank, initially it was growing like wildfire and I did some significant pruning. It was actually filling all the voids in the lr structure.
The corals are zoos, blueshrooms and a euphylia(spelled right?hammer coral).
What % is classified as a small water change?


Why is carbonic acid formed when the lights go out? Do photosynthetic critters use or nuetralize the acid during the day?


Well-Known Member
sound like you have an excellent tank with very little to worry about.
BTW calupera (as with all plants/algae) will slow down its growth as the nutrients are being used up. Slower growth may just mean the tank is in excellent shape.
Got a picture? Bet it is awesome!!!!!!!


I guess it suprises me that that much acid is formed. or maybe its not that much if I remeber right pH is a logarithmic curve. Anyway here is a pic. Please excuse the hideous backing. When I first setup the tank I didn't know you could paint the back. I'll post another pic in a couple weeks after I move the tank.
Thanks for all the help, This place is one heck of a resource.


Checked my pH when I got home from work it was about 8.1. Is this phenomenon common knowledge?


What test kits are you guys using for PH. My test kit (can't recall name right now) shows up really light for PH and I don't like the color shades from 7.8 to 8.4. Really hard to tell where I am at in that range. What do you guys recommend for a color blind (just kidding) fool who has trouble reading this test?


I bought test kits for Ca and alk today. Ca was off the chart low. I'm guessing about 360 ppm. Alk was was about 180. If I'm right CA should be much higher How do I get it there.


I use a product called Balance Blocks by HBH.
They are used to replenish calcium and other trace elements as well as used to keep your PH stable.
I actually just started using them about 6 weeks ago and have noticed some awesome changes, my PH hardly fluctuates at all (but I don't have any corals yet so that may be why) but it did drop to just under 8.0 before I started using these blocks, and it has been holding stable at 8.2 for the last 4 weeks. Also my coralline algea growth has really taken off since using them, since I have really crappy lights, I was concerned that I wouldnt get good coralline growth, but since using the balance blocks I have noticed a ten fold increase in the amount of coralline on my rock, and glass.
I don't know if others have opinions on this product but so far I am very happy with the results that I have been getting from using them


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Lochi
I bought test kits for Ca and alk today. Ca was off the chart low. I'm guessing about 360 ppm. Alk was was about 180. If I'm right CA should be much higher How do I get it there.

are you sure you read the ca right. Mine starts reading at 200ppm and i got confused on the instructions. 4 drops of a 5 drops of b the one
drop of a at a time until color changes back. 50*drops of A= Ca ppm. I thought you had to repeat the four drops a.
If it is 360ppm then gee you mean corals don't drop dead and 399 ppm :D


Active Member
Having caulerpa or any macro or micro algae in the display tank will not stabalize the pH.
It will cause it to swing up and down as your lighting comes on and off.
CO2 drives much of the tankwater chemistry - including alkalinity, calcium and pH.
As the CO2 gas levels change in the tankwater - it causes a chain reaction.
This chain reaction causes the formation of carbonic acid, which Bang Guy stated, which pulls the pH down.
This chain reaction also shifts some of the carbonates over to become bicarbonates.
The entire reaction shifts left causing a drop in pH and a slight loss of alkalinity.
When the CO2 level change back again, then the chain reaction shifts right - giving up much of the carbonic acid to form bicarbonate and carbonate again. The pH rises again as does the alkalinity.
Same reaction that occurs in our bloodstream, allowing our body to regulate our blood's pH. The blood is buffered much the same way our tankwater is buffered.
These swings are common as can be in a tank with fish or plants.
pH would not swing like this from day to night and back .. if there were no fish respiring, plants photosynthesizing and lighting coming on and off.
A planted refugium that contains macro algae, and is either lighted opposite the display tank's lighting period, or is lited 24/7 ...... will indeed help to stabalize the tankwater's pH.
The swings would be reduced.