ph question


my ph is 7.3 hoe can i raise it. What level should it be 8.0? or a tad higher? I heard somewhere to bake baking soda for 45min and slowly add it to raise ph. Any tips would be helpful

bang guy

Forget about blindly adding a chemical to artificially raise your PH, it will just go right back down and you could crash your tank.
You need to find the problem and fix it. It could also just be the test kit giving a bad result.
Post the results of your testing and other information about your tank and perhaps we can identify a possible problem.
The PH should average 8.0 - 8.5 when you test more than once in the same day. A single spot reading doesn't really give you much information.


calcium 350
temp 82
i wanna raise ph cuz for 2 years coralline never spreads i use c balance and add iodine
I have 2 96w power compacts. 10k day, actinic night on roughly 8 hrs a day. Nitrates are near zero so is phosphates. no nitrite either. this is a fowlr tank. I tested twice now ph is 7.4 so still low. its a92 gallon tank set up for over two years agonite sand bed 2-3 inches deep. I recently switched to r/o water and it made nitrates and phosphates awesome so is ph the prob?


i bought kent marine ph buffer. Its been 24hrs and ph went up from 7.3 to 7.4. What is the problem? I cant figure it out

bang guy

Originally Posted by evanjah
i bought kent marine ph buffer. Its been 24hrs and ph went up from 7.3 to 7.4. What is the problem? I cant figure it out
Is your alkalinity low?
What is your Iodine level?
How much waterflow do you have in the tank?
Doublecheck your skimmer and make sure it's functioning properly.


I have a koralia 3 powerhead, xps filstar canister filter, And a prizm protein skimmer which is working well. Im not sure is kh the same as alkalinity? My calcium is high so could that be the problem? I have no iodine test kit. Ummm, i use instant ocean salt with ro water. any ideas off this info?

bang guy

For our hobby purposes KH can be counted the same as Alkalinity. If it's very low it can be a source of low PH. If ALK is low then the Baking Soda or Washing Soda will work to raise ALK and that could have a positive effect on PH. Overdosing Alkalinity will not help though so make sure you test.
If you don't have an Iodine test kit I strongly recommend that you stop dosing it until you know what current levels are.
Your skimmer is marginal but that's just my opinion. I would add more waterflow as well.


Active Member
Take some tank water and bubble it outside to see if it goes up. Sometimes in winter, with the house closed up, CO2 rises and can drive your pH down.
Are you testing it in the night or in the morning?

bang guy

Originally Posted by Cranberry
Take some tank water and bubble it outside to see if it goes up. Sometimes in winter, with the house closed up, CO2 rises and can drive your pH down.
Are you testing it in the night or in the morning?

Good suggestion followed by a great question.


ive been testing around 1 in the afternoon. so you want me to take a bit out of my tank and test it after a few mins?>

bang guy

Originally Posted by evanjah
ive been testing around 1 in the afternoon. so you want me to take a bit out of my tank and test it after a few mins?>
Take it outside for a few minutes. This will determine if PH is low because the room air is high in Co2.


so i took the water out for about 3 mins. The ph level was 7.8 . So now what course of action should i take? do I need to get more air in my tank? I have waited the 48hrs to see full results from marine buffer. What should i do?


Active Member
In the winter months, or when the house is all closed up, you can have double the amount of measureable CO2 inside than out. Cracking a window in the room can also help, but is not alwasy feasible this time of year. You wanna get the lower CO2 toyour tank. If it was me I would use an air pump from outside or run an airline from my skimmer to outside.


How long would i have to open my windows for. Seems to be easier than running airline to the outside. What are your ideas cranberry, and thanks


Active Member
You wouldn't be able to bring down the room CO2 with an air pump. The airline would have to go into the water.