PH to low?


I just tested my tank and my PH is showing 7.8,is this to low? I'f so what should i do to bring it up or what to buy to bring it up? Thank you!


Active Member
you can use proper ph 8.2 to raise the ph, then use a buffer to keep it there. of course, the synthetic saltwater and possibly kalkwasser should buffer the ph.


Active Member
A stable PH of 7.8 is nothing to worry about...test in the morning and then in the evening to see if there is any fluctuation.

bang guy

There's nothing wrong with that PH on a young tank. Just make sure you have good waterflow and an adequate skimmer.
Also be sure to maintain a good balance between ALK and Calcium.


Thanks for everyone's help.I went and bought some marine buffer just to stay on the safe side.I am new to saltwater,so i am still a litlle frightened at5 the thought of something being wrong.Thanks again for the replies! :D


Active Member
Using buffer is not necessarily the way to keep you on the safe side. It can cause more trouble than good if dosed when not needed. A low pH does not automatically mean buffer is needed. As Bang Guy mentioned, your best bet is to make sure you've got good circulation and monitor pH, alkalinity and Calcium (ESPECIALLY before adding any buffer).


Active Member
I've found that if you topoff your water with kalkwasser, your ph and alkalinity almost always stay consistant.