ph too high/domino looks sickly

I have searched and searched these boards, so sorry if I am redundant!
How do I lower the Ph of my tank? It is reading 8.8
Also, my domino damsel has something on the side of his face... doesn't look like salt... so I don't think it is ich.
He is:
swims like crazy,
does NOT scratch himself against the substrate or rocks, and
eats like a horse... and has been living with this funk for over 3 months.
Could the high ph have caused this on his face? Looks like his skin has been scraped off.
Does my 'bubbler'/aeration device that I have hooked up to one of my aquarium decorations cause the ph to increase?
Here are my water readings for tonight:
Nitrate 20
Nitrite 0
Alkalinity 300
pH 8.8
Salinity .022


yes the Air stone will rise PH, the more oxygen in the water the higher the PH, you dont need an air stone, take it out, all you ened is flow, add a few powerheads, this will add the oxygen to your tank, without getting salt all over your lights/hood, also air stones will lower your SG.
Thank you so much... I was afraid of that... my airstone is hooked up to my Grecian Ruin! Darn it... and it looks so COOL.
What is 'SG'?

bang guy

Yeah, that's not quite right. If you're not dosing anything then I wouldn't worry too much about it.
I would mix up a batch of saltwater, aerate it for 24 hours and then test it for ALK & PH.
Your PH is high enough to precipitate Calcium carbonate and the high ALK will make the event worse. It hasn't happened your though.
My suggestion is to do a 10 - 15% water change every other day until your PH is below 8.5.