photo diary (490 gallon)


Active Member
wow awsome looking tank :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:
i just got a firefish today do you like yours at all?.
did yours jump at all when you first put them in?


nope they didnt plus i have a lid on mine so i dont think it could if it wanted to anyhows. But its weird. With my 150 i had before this i bought two of them and one dissappeared and i never found it again. I bought two for this tank and the same thing happened. Are you not allowed to have more than one in a tank? Or is it all just a big coincidence :thinking:


i used mangroves as another way to help keep the tank stable. Mangrovbes pull phosphates and nitrates out of the water and use it for their food and store it in their leaves which is why you have to be careful not to let leaves fall in the water and dissolve because all that they pulled out will be released back into the water. Just another precaution to help stable the tank out. Also have a nitrate reducer coming tomorrow :cheer: it builds bacteria that eat nitrates so thats pretty exciting.


im dong this from memory so forgive me...
3 clowns (percula? not sure)
2 yellow watchman gobies
2 clown gobies (hoping to catch them and take me back little buggers)
2 hippo tangs
1 yellow tang
1 coral beauty
1 firefish
hoping to add in the future...
black tang
gem tang (if i can ever find a place that sells these)
any suggestions anyone?


moneys no option for me lol...i just spent like 6,000 dollars in the past 2-3 weeks on corals alone lol :notsure: this hobby sure adds up pretty quickly