photo diary (490 gallon)


first of all, if you dont mind me asking, how many lbs of rock, and excluding the corals how much has that cost you so far


Yeah the Gem Tang is pretty beautiful but definately not worth 3500... personally I think it looks like a Scopas with ick... lol


Active Member
Very nice from the pics I was able to view. A bunch of them were red X's. Do you have a full tank shot? Might have been one of the red x's, so couldn't see it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Frank2005
is anyone else having trouble viewing these pictures? just curious
I see the first five, then all red x.


Active Member
I can see like eight of them. It's weird because in the same post, I can see two or three but some above and below are red x's. Sorry frank! Would love to see the rest though!

P.S. Check out my new diary! The tank stand is slowly coming together!

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Frank2005
i used mangroves as another way to help keep the tank stable. Mangrovbes pull phosphates and nitrates out of the water and use it for their food and store it in their leaves which is why you have to be careful not to let leaves fall in the water and dissolve because all that they pulled out will be released back into the water. Just another precaution to help stable the tank out. Also have a nitrate reducer coming tomorrow :cheer: it builds bacteria that eat nitrates so thats pretty exciting.
I ment why use mangroves over chato? Nether go sexual, but like you said if a leaf falls it will release trates back in your tank. Pluss they are trees, they get HUGE. don't want to flame just curious


sorry about pics i was organizing them into folders on photobucket and didnt realize that if you move the file your pic disappears on here so heres a S***load of pictures to tide you guys over



nope heres a full tank shot...the picture above is like the left portion of my tank...:p just got a shipment of twelve corals in tonight 4 more tomorrow and 4 more the night after so ill put pics up as i take them. Just bought a 4,000 dollar camera and got this awesome macro lens for like another 1,000 so hopefully ill get some AWESOME close up shots for ya guys