photo diary (490 gallon)


Active Member
ya im also wondering what your lighting set up is and also, what are the dimensions of that tank. (sorry is you already said them, i didnt read the post, only skip down to the pics)


Active Member
Wow!!! Thats a monster tank!!!! Please post more. And can u post a fish list?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Frank2005
Just bought a 4,000 dollar camera and got this awesome macro lens for like another 1,000 so hopefully ill get some AWESOME close up shots for ya guys
while your in the spending mood do you want to pay for my college... getting my B.S. in 3 years so its a little cheaper... lol... cant wait to see pics with the new camera


the ones at the beginning got deleted but there should be some near the bottom of this thread. Is anyone else having trouble?


nice tank, you can keep multiple firefish in your tank. With purples you should only have one I believe. I had 5 firefish in my tank, one made the leap out and perished, another perished in the tank, a third made it into the overflow and down into my sump where he now lives (can't catch him), and I still have two in the display. I believe it is best to keep them in odd numbers also.
Hope this helps.