picked up a few new things today


Active Member
well i was out and about i got myself a new powder blue tang hes really nice lookin and fat so i hope he stays that way, i also got a wild superman piece i got it down lower right now hopefully it will stay healthy and keep its color or even get brighter, i got a green scoly, and a toadstool that has kinda lime green polyps... gotta fill in an area where my huge finger leather died of unknwon reasons



Active Member
thanks, hes very active already goin around with the other yellow tangs munchin on the rocks im guna see if he will eat yet


Active Member
yeah the leather was a good leather may he RIP lol
as far as quarantine shhh dont tell anyone i dont cuz i should since i have a bagillion dollars in this dumb tank u think id have some QT tank setup


looks awsome ,i love toad stools( long tentacal ) i have one myself very easy to frag :cheer:
and dont be surprised if someone dont jump on you about that (Q)they have me and i havent had any problems as long as its a good specaiman :happyfish


Active Member
yeah they can jump on me all they want
but i think i know enuf to get a good fish these days but ur right u never do know 100% so QTing is best procedure but this guys is fat and healthy and just came in to the wholesalers so he hasnt been to stressed
yeah im waiting for the toadstool to open up more hes slowly coming around


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
here u go bill

very nice murph.. its always a pleasure to see ur pics. those are wallpaper wothry.. lol
that last pic is cool
thank for sharing


Active Member
hahaha thanks i wish those pics were that nice i seem to get better closeups on top downs then full tank or fish shots they always seem a lil blurry but ohwell its a cool fish and im glad u think hes cool too he adds alot to the tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
hahaha thanks i wish those pics were that nice i seem to get better closeups on top downs then full tank or fish shots they always seem a lil blurry but ohwell its a cool fish and im glad u think hes cool too he adds alot to the tank
i hve to agree they are a nice fish but arent they easily stressd?
i would like one in a new tank im setting up possibly but i wasnt sure if i wanna chance ick i know they are easily stressed and have heard tht some ppl dont have luck with them..


Active Member
yeah ive heard the same thing too that these stress out very easily so im hoping he doesnt and he does well i made sure to pick a very healthy one.... so far hes been out swimming arund grazing off the rocks so im hoping for the best with him


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
yeah ive heard the same thing too that these stress out very easily so im hoping he doesnt and he does well i made sure to pick a very healthy one.... so far hes been out swimming arund grazing off the rocks so im hoping for the best with him
well i wish you the best of luck with him/her
im going to check back in a week or so and im gonna check on him so ill be asking for an updaye if you dont mind


Active Member
u got it thanks please do ask back cuz from what i have read this is one of the more sensative tangs out there so im hoping it all goes well


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
u got it thanks please do ask back cuz from what i have read this is one of the more sensative tangs out there so im hoping it all goes well
if that was my tank i wouldnt have anyfish tht is that sensitive to ick..
that is awesome that you have fish in there but idk if i could do it.. tht tank is beautiful and i couldnt imaine cathing everyone and doing hypo (knock on wood) i hope this DOSENT happen to you
so back to what i was getting out.. ill b e back for an update!
goodluck murph!


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
as far as quarantine shhh dont tell anyone i dont cuz i should since i have a bagillion dollars in this dumb tank u think id have some QT tank setup
:scared: One would think!!!!

Nice fish though, he's a beauty!