Why is everyone against live feeders for the lionfish? Isn't this its natural food in the wild? Granted we all can't get live feeders as I can in Florida, but to make it starve so you can chose its food for it seems so cruel at times. I have 5 Lionfish at the present, 3 Volitans, 1 Russelli and a Dwarf Fuzzy...the Russelli will eat whatever you drop in the tank at its chosing, the Volitans prefer live feeders and so does the Dwarf Fuzzy. We have been able to substitute frozen feeders when live aren't available by using a feeding stick and making sure the eyes are facing them and wiggling it as if it were swimming and they will take those. As for pellets or flake food they won't even consider that! I'm glad my momma didn't make me go without food to make me eat what she wants. Sorry if this sounds bad, but I do truly value my lionfish and I guess its been noted that they do get spoiled like they were my kids. Think about it. BTW, we are in the process of setting up to sell frozen feeders for just such predator fish. If interested just let me know. But please, don't starve them for days just because you want them to eat a certain thing.