i have a nova extreme pro 12 bulb fixture (in the slow process of switching to all ati bulbs, half way there now!) when im done changing the bulbs i will have 3 rows blue+, 2 rows aquablue special, 1 row purple+. for flow i have a koralia-4 on one side and 2 koralia-3 around 3800 gph (thats why i have to almost hide some of my coral to get them to live well) 30 gal sump only thing in my sump is a turf scrubber, but i have a small hob skimmer which doesnt pull much. my sump turnover i would guess around 400-500 gph
salinity 1.026
calcium 475-500 (varies)
trates 0
phos 0
i drip kalkwasser, and ever since i have been doing that my calcium and alk have been easy to keep where i need them. my ph is dead on always as i run my turf scrubber lights 18 hours a day, opposite of my display lighting cycle. my setup is real simple and almost runs itself.