Pics of 1700 gal Shark Tank


That's cool...My Nurse is really cool. He is still a Juve with the black spots all over him. He is really active, too. I was told that theylay around a lot, but he is always moving around. I wanted a Leopard when I upgraded, but I was able to buy one for my friend a month or so ago and when I wanted one my source told me that they are illegal to catch in CA now and i'll be lucky if I find one and if I do expect to pay more for it. So I got the Nurse, i'm happy with it.
Won't it be just as hard finding a new home for the Blacktip as it would any other? I thought they get huge, too.


Wamp, no problem. I like bluntness:D
1. Rate of evaporation: 6-8 gallons per day. Condensation/evaporation managed by a series of exhaust fans, and a dehumidifier when needed. I say when needed because weather permitting, I simply open a large window in the tank room and let nature give me a hand.
2. Cost of set up. This ones a bit tricky because I built so much of the system myself. I also price shopped the heck out of most things, spent time on ----, and even stumbled upon a few killer deals. Example: 6' broken protein skimmer for $50. I repaired it myself, and added a better venturi. Total cost, about $140.
Anyway, here's a rough estimate.
Tank construction: $2,600
Plumbing: $650 (4" bulkheads are $100 each)
Lighting: Not a reef, so I use 4- 4' double bulb shop light fixtures, with upgraded ballast. $275
Sump: $150. Built using plastic horse trough, 5 gallon buckets, and acrylic sheet for baffles.
Other filters & Pumps: Roughly $1000
Sand & Salt: Roughly $1500
LR & LS: Roughly $600
Livestock: I wont even go there. lol
Misc supplies: $500
Total approx: $7,275
This is a very rough estimate off the top of my head. I have a detailed cost breakdown somewhere of everything involved.
3. Maintenance Time: I feel my hard work paid off on this one. This tank is honestly the easiest to maintain of all my tanks. Evap water is replenished every 3 days with the flick of a switch. I've only cleaned the glass once (you all saw pics:) I clean my skimmer cup, and change out the mechanical filtration pads once a week. I check my parameters once a week just to be safe, and they remain better than my other tanks. 0 ammonia, 0 trites, ph 8.3, 5-10 ppm trate, sg always 1.026. Of course those trates will continue to climb over time, but they are doing so very slowly.
Not including feeding, I spend around 1 hour per week maintaining the tank.
4. Problems: I really had very few major problems when building the tank. The only major issue I ran into was when I applied silicone sealant to the gaskets on the bulkheads. This caused major problems (leaking) and I had to drain the tank to repair them. Since then the tank has not leaked one drop.
The only operation problems I have encountered when the power goes out.
#1 I don't yet have a generator. So I'm a nervous wreck the whole time.
#2 When the power comes back on, I need to be there to adjust the skimmer and the fluidized bed filters.
In the future, I would like to add a monitoring system to the tank that sets off an alarm and calls me in the event of a power outage, leak, high/low temp.
#5 Equipment: I need a little clarification as to what your asking. Do you mean problems with the filters/pumps etc? Or just general list of what I use?
I wrote an article for another site (fresh water site, this is my home:) which detailed the entire construction process. If you'd like I could send it to you.


Saltfisher: Black tips max out at around 6'. I have already found a home for it, the local aquarium here in Denver. It's alot easier to find a home for a black tip, than it is a nurse. This is due to the fact that while nurse sharks are very common in the hobby, black tips are not. Public aquariums get more offers for overgrown nurse sharks than they would like.
I hope you didn't take offense to my comments about nurse sharks. It was not directed at you or your shark. I was just stating my personal opinion. :)


kainrahl: Large tanks are no different than small ones in terms of the biological cycle. The bacteria populate the water/bio filters in the same way/time frame no mater what size it is. Once cycled, the biological filtration capabilities increase as the bio load increases.
I used damsels (lots) and uncured LR to cycle the tank. Once cycled, I added the sharks very slowly, over the course of a few months.


Active Member
On the equipment question, Just basically, how many pumps, closed loop circulation?


I was just kiddin around. I mostly meant cuz it is in wall but like i said just kiddin around. Very beautiful stuff


Wamp, you've got mail.:)
If anyone else is interested in reading it, it can be found on my home page.
I run 2 5000 gph pumps on the tank.
Pump #1 is on a closed loop. It draws water from approx 30" below water line, and returns water to the tank via 3- 1.5" bulkheads. Two of the lines run wide open for circulation. The other is restricted and powers my fluidized bed filters and UV's.
Pump #2 is on an open loop. Water is carried from the tank to the sump via 2 4" bulkheads (over flows), then pumped from the sump and returned to the tank via 2 1.5" bulkheads.
I also run a 1000 gph pump to power the skimmer.


You must be very, very proud of that. How many minutes/hours a day do you sit down and watch the sharks? I could spend hours a day looking at those....

melissa v.



KrUnK: I'm down there all the time.
melissa v.: She got the rest of the house:D Wait a minute! 650 sq ft for me, 2300 sq ft for her?!?! Time to renegotiate. :)


that leopard has a thick belly!! I am sad becasue I will be sharkless soon..... I sold my house and close on the 28th... The new owners want the tank to stay but I am selling the sharks to my aquarium maintance friend..


Hey Novice, no offense taken. I understand that it comes to personal preference. I wouldnt have gone with the Nurse had I could have gotten a Leopard.
Splash, that's a nice tank/setup you have, too. Did you have that wall there all the time or did you build it and put the hole in it? What size tank?


Saltfisher: Thanks, I did all the work myself.. The wall was there, I just cut our the hole and built out the stand. The tank is 8'Lx2'Wx20"H
I did my last water change on it tonight... (as I am wiping a tear away..) LOL


Man, you did a great job. I bet nothing would look better on that wall that's why the new buyers want it. So that's a custom tank, too? How many gallons?
all i can say is dam dam dam that is awesome .i have a little leopard shark in a 125 for now put plan to get a 220 and than hopefully move into a house and build something like yours but when i do you will be getting alot of emails ,lol