Pics of my 155 Aggressive tank


Thank you, I have a lot into it and spend most of time taking care of them.
It is worth it!


Active Member
Very nice fish, some really nice species in there.
Now I'd slowly add more LR to add not only enhanced filtration, but also more places for some of the fish to dart in and around. The flame angel would love a few stacks to play in.
Good sized tank, too many people put stuff in small tanks, you've got a good amount of room for your guys.


What do you think, do I need more coral in the tank for the fish?
They all do have their own homes at night when they sleep. I do like that I have a lot of open space for them to swim.
They have enough room to swom freely without being jammed in .


Active Member
I think rather than more coral, putting in a nice base of liverock would be very beneficial. Not only would they have more structure, but it would be very helpful for your filtration.
Don't worry about the fish getting too jammed up, they're reef fish, they like rocks.:D
And with a 155g tank you could easily have 200 pounds of rock and they'd still have plenty of room to swim around and not get jammed up. LIke I said before, great job thinking ahead and getting a big tank, it allows you to have nice rock structures and still have tons of open water.


Cool! I like your selection of fish.
I agree with cincyreefer...
Some live rock would be a smart move, but not too much. I like the open area in your tank.


I have had my Queen Angel for over 6 months. She eats anything! I feed in the morning spiralina flake then for dinner they eat brime, prawn, clam and frozen krill all soaked in Zoe and garlic xtreme.
I also feed the Angels sea weed selects .
She will eat anything I put in the tank.


Thank you for your nice comments.
Most people on here probalbly think the tank is overcrowded, but to me its perfect. All of my levels are 0 with nitrates 20-40, with weekly water changes.
I justhope that when the french angel matures, she will be okay with the Queen. If not, the french will go.


I am at work, I will take some close ups of the clown trigger this weekend and post them.
He is perfect, very nice coloring.


Active Member
awesome cant wait to see them that has got to be one of my favorite fish one day i will get a fo just for that fish