Pics of my 55 gallon


this is my first Saltwater tank and i have 3 damsels in there and about 20 pounds of LR plan on getting a lot more but im only 16 and the tank is self funded
tell me what you think so far...and any suggestions you have


You're looking good so far. Has it cycled yet? I would definately be patient with the cycling. It is so important! There is so much info to explore on here. Good luck! Welcome to the wonderful world of sw!


I'm sixteen also. This saltwater vice is not easy. Just like you all my stuff is self funded. But good luck to you. and like reefreak said, be patient.


heres some advice. before you get more live rock wait for your tank to cycle with what you got and take those damsels out. its not a must do but for most people damsels are just more trouble than good. i have one damsel in a 29g with 37lbs of live rock and i couldn't catch that thing if my life depended on it. he used to be peaceful but out of now where he turned on me and attacks all my other fish. nice tank though i like your rock


im 16 and i pay for all my stuff also. It sucks, i also have a 55. but i also have my sharks which are my pride and joy. i know this might sound mean but you know those little cages they have bettas in at fs's i wasn't about to have to chase that thing all around my tank so i put him in that it works just as well than i threw him in my shark tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rutz15
any suggetions on my new tank?
get alot more live rock, at least a pound per gallon.


I don't understand how that tank can be paying for it self. Now maybe if you had corals in there you where fraging and selling the tank could be paying for itself. Are you saleing the sand bed off and replacing it as you go? How dose your tank fund itself?


I think he means he pays for his own stuff. He is 16 and doesn't rely on his parents to pay for his hobby. I think it's admirable and shows responsibility and dedication. :)


I think it looks great so far~! It seems you have some nice pieces of live rock, and the more I see sand beds versus the crushed coral beds, the more I like them. I can see us having to change to sand in all our tanks soon... sigh.. expensive hobby :)
BTW, I think it's great that you are self funded. My son is 13 and COMPLETELY lazy~! It's nice to see someone so young and so into their hobby they are willing to work for it. Keep up the good work, and please post updates as your tank matures. :)


One tip, I woud ditch the stick on temperature gauge and get the coralife digital thermometer, much more accurate and less than 10 bucks.


i have one but its on the side so you cant see it i just didnt take the other one down
thanks though


anyoen else have any suggestions for my new tank besides that i should a lot more LR
help is appreciated


hey thats very cool my 125 is sel funded and i also have 55 that i have help with from my parents
my advice is be patient and when u start to get fish dont just buy fish that dont do ne thing for the tank like get fish that r benifisial to the tank cleaner wrasse and sleeper gobies then u can have ur display fish having the fish in there that keep ur tank clean cuts down on the amount of work that u have to do also lots of hermits and snails r exelent additions im not saying u cant buy ur clownfish or somthing that dosnt do ne thing to help the tank im just saying have fish in there that help u keep the tank clean


Active Member
cleaner wrasse need tanks with big fish in them. they have pretty low survival rates in smaller tanks with little fish.
anyway, tank looks good. my 30 gal is self funded and im 18, im about 900 dollars into it already.