Pic's of my new 1 gallon Nano


I think they mean you are gonna get flamed (or yelled at) for keeping a clownfish in a tank that small.
it does kinda look like prison.


look into getting an eviota goby for that tank. they are like 1/2"-1" and are pretty cool.
I'd put the clown in your 125.




Active Member
the shrooms and ricordia are OK everything else should find a new home ....
so what are your nitrate levels - you need to measure them about every 4 hours or so....
plus if your clowns does not jump in the first week I'll eat some skimmate ....


Active Member
:eek: :scared:AHHHHHHH!!!!:eek: :scared:
:eek: :scared: PLZ!! PLZ!! PLZ!! Take the clown and the anemone out!! :eek: :scared: That is WAYYY too little water for any fish and the anemone will DEFINITELY die because of the lack of sufficient lightiing and the bad water stability from a small tank!!:eek: :scared:
before everyone gets too upset, let me explain. The clown is tiny and he won't be in there very long, and the Anemone won't stay there long either. The lighting is a 7000k PC bulb so it is more than enough for him. I keep up on water changes every other day, and clowns are not noted for jumping out like some fish. Thanks for the flames but not needed.


Active Member
Originally posted by Trigger Digger
before everyone gets too upset, let me explain. The clown is tiny and he won't be in there very long, and the Anemone won't stay there long either. The lighting is a 7000k PC bulb so it is more than enough for him.
Good that they won't be in very long.
That lighting a very very far from even just minimal lighting for the anemone. That bulb is like what? 9 watts? You need 195+ watts for them minimum IMO. My anemone isn't even doing well with 130 watts.
Wasn't trying to flame. I said please. :)


Very nice tank, and very pretty, but like the others,which where a little rude, the tank is unstable. It looks good, but yeah the fish and anemone have to go.:)


just a question and i don't mean to be mean but why did u put the anemone in that tank? They are pretty hard to move i've heard but yeah nice tank. I think the shrooms look awesome.

Originally posted by fishy411
just a question and i don't mean to be mean but why did u put the anemone in that tank? They are pretty hard to move i've heard but yeah nice tank. I think the shrooms look awesome.

I actually got the whole set-up VERY cheap (Anemone included), and being attached to a small rock like it is will not be hard to move at all. What I've done with this tank seems to be frowned on and I wouldn't be in this hobby if I wanted to see these creatures suffer of die, but some of these posts seem a bit anal. This system is quite stable for it's size and checked daily.
As far as the lighting is concerned, this little PC would be very ample for the Shrooms and Anemone. Anemones can do just fine under regular fluorescent lighting, provided they are right under it (Julian Sprung).


Active Member

Originally posted by Trigger Digger
As far as the lighting is concerned, this little PC would be very ample for the Shrooms and Anemone. Anemones can do just fine under regular fluorescent lighting, provided they are right under it (Julian Sprung).

:nope: :nope: :nope:
Start a new thread (in the clownfish/anemone section) about the lighting concern I continue to have and I can assure you that others will agree with me.


he won't end up with a dead anemone bcuz if u read the whole post he will be moving it soon.
i didn't know that u were going to be moving the whole rock. I recommend getting some more shrooms bcuz in my very unprofessional opinion they look great