Pics of my reef tell me what you think!!!


Looking good! Everything is growing together very nicely. If you were closer we could do some trading, let me know if you ever come down to Florida.


Active Member
ok Greg i plain on going to daytona next year for the nascar race my other hobby i race dirt track race cars and build hi performance chevy engines...My saltwater tank is my more in door rainy day hobby and trust me Oregon is a all rainy day


Active Member
he does just fine but will not be able to keep him for ever in there he will out grow the tank but imo they do fine if you have enuff live rock for them to hide in they love lots of live rock!!!I have put him in my 165 and he gets ick every time so for now he stays in my 45 gallon..He is more happy in there right now..


I hate you too. Want my puffer to come visit?

seriously, that is just amazingly beautiful, I love it.
Watcha gonna send me for a present???? Ha?????
:yes: :D


Hey Sweetreef. How long would you recommend keeping my lights on during the day? I have a 75 gallon with 2x150 MH, actinics and lunar lights. I just bought the light system a week ago and my algae is exploding and the water temp is raising 8 degrees every day. Right now I have the actinics to come on for an hour first, then the metal halides come on and run for about 10 hours and then the actinics are on for another hour then just the lunar. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
gkl are your lights inside a canopy? If so maybe you need more fansmounted inside. If not in a canopy, how high are the lights above the water surface?


Active Member
ok first thing do you use tap water???If you do you asking for algae when using tap water...And your going to get a a little out break because its a new light set up..As far as the temp do they have fans??And are they in a canapy?if not how hight do you have them up from the tank?Well how your doing it dont sound bad..Try and cut back on your day lights by two hours and just run act two hour longer...And see how that goes then when your algae goes away maby slowly raise it back up..


Yes the lights are in a canopy. The fixture come's with 3 fans built in the canopy. I use tap water, its well water actually. I think most of the algae is due to the water temp. The light sits about 3 inches from the top of the tank. I have my glass on the top but the lids are folded back. I thought this would help some of the heat escape, and I am getting a major salt splash on the light fixture. I was hoping not to have to hang the light. The hair algae is getting out of control, and I had to clean the glass today just to see inside the tank. I just want a beautiful tank like yours.


Active Member
For one i wouldnt use tap water are well water iam on a well too but i ue ro water to mix salt...imo you could get a few emerald crabs to help with the hair algae..What does your temp run?Sometimes mine can get to 84 and never gets as low as 78 and i dont use a heater in my tank my light is my heat if you having heat problems where the fans are not taking care of it and by opening the canapy doors open are not taking care of it then you might have to get a chiller...


I have turned my heater off too. The temp is reaching about 84 and get's as low as 78 degrees. I was hoping my one coral and anemone would start looking better by now. I don't know if my anemone is gonna make it, its smaller than before and purple. It was originally white and yellowish. Oh, what is a chiller?


haha hey sweetreef... does your wife mind that she is in the 3rd or 4th pick reflection with a towel on her head??? HAHA on second thought, you better not ask her!


Active Member
lmao i know she is in it shhhhhh i will not tell if you dont cant help it she was in the line of fire....lmao


Active Member
glk that temp is ok mine does that all the time just dont let it get past 86 are so for a long pierod of time look up chillers on google and you will find out what they are.....Tyvm newbiereef give it time and do alot of reading before you buy and you will have a nice reef my friend!!!


Love those pictures! The colors are amazing...almost doesn't seem real--looks like a bunch of candy.