I set out to populate a 300 gallon tank with a specific list of fish in mind. Over time, the list changed considerably and I ended up with many fishes that I didn't think would be here. However, the goal was to keep the number of inhabitants to 9-10 tops. As you can see I stopped at 9 and judging by how well they are doing so far, I might need to start thinking of turning my 450 from fresh to saltwater in the future.
Hope you enjoy the fishes despite my photo skill being pretty bad.
Hawaiian Zebra Moray- very cool, peaceful and personable
Purple Tang- talk about a smaller fish with tons of attitude.
Powder Blue Tang- quite a good eater.
Polleni Grouper- my favorite grouper
Clown Trigger- so far a very mellow specimen but keeping my eye on it every time I can.
Harlequin Tusk and Black Tang- two of the showiest specimens in the tank
Annularis Angelfish- extremely showy fish and quite bold. Very underrated angel in my opinion.
Male Broomtail Wrasse- this is the tank's showpiece and main reason I went saltwater. Recently obtained (2 days ago) and shown here in the acclimation tub. I had never seen before a male Broomtail of this quality except pics taken in the wild.
Hope you enjoy the fishes despite my photo skill being pretty bad.
Hawaiian Zebra Moray- very cool, peaceful and personable
Purple Tang- talk about a smaller fish with tons of attitude.
Powder Blue Tang- quite a good eater.
Polleni Grouper- my favorite grouper
Clown Trigger- so far a very mellow specimen but keeping my eye on it every time I can.
Harlequin Tusk and Black Tang- two of the showiest specimens in the tank
Annularis Angelfish- extremely showy fish and quite bold. Very underrated angel in my opinion.
Male Broomtail Wrasse- this is the tank's showpiece and main reason I went saltwater. Recently obtained (2 days ago) and shown here in the acclimation tub. I had never seen before a male Broomtail of this quality except pics taken in the wild.