pics of zoos pleaseeeeee


Active Member
Those are super nice pics. guys and gals. If anyone has some for sale or has a line on a good dealer please email me. PLEASE


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chazz66 do u have AIM or MSN messenger so we can talk about those zoos i was just wondering what kind they were but if u would like i would by some from u if thats ok but i emailed u so email me back so we can talk awesome zoos dude


Active Member

i those first ones, they are so amazing...well, i love all your zoos,lol...are those ,in the third pic i believe it is, purple or a brownish? cant tell exactly....i about bought some neon yellow zoos yesterday....had to drag myself out of the store to not do it,lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300

i those first ones, they are so amazing...well, i love all your zoos,lol...are those ,in the third pic i believe it is, purple or a brownish? cant tell exactly....i about bought some neon yellow zoos yesterday....had to drag myself out of the store to not do it,lol.

they are a very nice deep purple. when i got them from enmo lover they were grownish but after a few months under my MH radiums they turned pright purple with the blue eye.
i fraged them up and get them ready for sale just the other day here they are in the frag corner of the tank along with the other frags i have right now


Active Member
Wow!!! Incredible everyone!! Killergoby, what kind of zoo is that?!?! It is awesome! Brb, have to clean up the drool on my keyboard. Alright I am back...