pics of zoos pleaseeeeee


Active Member
Originally Posted by pitbull01
Wow!!! Incredible everyone!! Killergoby, what kind of zoo is that?!?! It is awesome! Brb, have to clean up the drool on my keyboard. Alright I am back...

not sure what color they started as but they are heavly photo shoped. he says they are only under actinic but i have been in computer graphics way to long to belive that. look cool yes but far from there real color


Active Member
Originally Posted by oceana
not sure what color they started as but they are heavly photo shoped. he says they are only under actinic but i have been in computer graphics way to long to belive that. look cool yes but far from there real color
Oh. Thanks for the info!! Say, Oceana-when I get better lights, how much do you normally charge for frags. I dont really have much to trade right now...


Active Member
Originally Posted by pitbull01
Oh. Thanks for the info!! Say, Oceana-when I get better lights, how much do you normally charge for frags. I dont really have much to trade right now...


Originally Posted by oceana
not sure what color they started as but they are heavly photo shoped. he says they are only under actinic but i have been in computer graphics way to long to belive that. look cool yes but far from there real color

Listen dude, you think you know your

and you probably do. I can tell you one thing though, I do NOT know my

when it comes to computers, and I don't know the first thing about photoshop. Believe what you will but I stick to the facts; my camera + actinic lights = that picture!


Active Member
Originally Posted by oceana
not sure what color they started as but they are heavly photo shoped. he says they are only under actinic but i have been in computer graphics way to long to belive that. look cool yes but far from there real color
Looks like the coraline in the background is too bright!


Okay. Here's my "photoshopped" tank:

and "photoshopped" Blastos:

How's about a "photoshopped" Candy Cane?

The mouth on my plate, "photoshopped"?

Since it's a Zoo forum. Here's another colony. "photoshopped" of course!

And here's a CBS coming out of his hole to kick your

if you still believe my pictures are "photoshopped" lol


Active Member
are one of your bulbs pink or red or something or is the top of the water that color because of reflection or soemthing? red as far as they eye can see


It's the way my camera is. For some reason it "enhances" my actinic lighting, and everyone thinks I photoshop my pics.


Active Member
ive noticed, haha....waht settings do you use? my camera will make normal things brighter like the sand etc, never my corals, must have a pretty great camera,lol. very nice


Thanks. My camera is a Nikon CoolPix 885. I use the selector on "scene" with the "indoor" setting for full tank shots, and the "close-up" setting for close ups. All other settings are on "auto". I tried messing with the white balance and lighting selector, (fluorencent, incandecant, ect.) but "auto" always works the best. It's not the greatest camera in the world. That might be why it takes the pictures that it does. I guess everyone will just think I "photoshop" my pictures until I get a new camera. This camera was a hand me down from my brother anyway. I broke mine while on my honeymoon in Hawaii...


Active Member
well how bout this....the pics are amazing...and if you did photoshop them, you have amazing artistic, i would have no idea how to photoshop something that its win win...hahaha :joy:just playing


OK, im amazed, what does it take to be able to keep these? Im still in my research phase of planning, and these really peeked my interest. are they a hard or soft coral? any info would be great, thanks!


Active Member
Zoos are softies. One of the easiest corals to keep, they don't require intense lighting, a great beginners coral!


here's mine
Orange ones
green zoo's and shrooms
angry zoo
halloween zoo
(I couldn't resist putting in the last two)



Originally Posted by Bronco300
well how bout this....the pics are amazing...and if you did photoshop them, you have amazing artistic, i would have no idea how to photoshop something that its win win...hahaha :joy:just playing
lol. Thanks for understanding dude. It seems like no one else on these posts takes my word for anything.