Added new places I must see. Glad to see I'm not the only one who takes pictures through a plane window. I took pictures of the sunset every night on our first cruise. On the second we were eating during sunset, didn't really like that, next time we'll have to do something different, but we liked eatting early.
All my images are way too large, I'll have to resize some and add them.
Okay, I figured it out, they were saved on my c drive but I was looking on my E drive, which is why I couldn't figure out why I couldn't find the pics.
First if Port of New Orleans Nov. 2003, second is the view from our hotel room in Miami right after Katrina hit, third is somewhere. I ended up with lots of unknown pics on the first cruise. For the second I got smart and took a pic of the Capers in the morning, showing the date and location. We lost a camera card so we don't have a lot of pics from the second one.