

Your tank is absolutely stunning!!! And your camera work is fantastic!! They professionaly done!

tru conch

Active Member
broomer, dude what a sweet tank! good work man
dont be so shy to post some more pics, the eye candy is always nice

elvis a.

Bang, I really like number 5, seems like you even have it as your icon!:)
Nice tank, I admire it.. Really looks grown and established.. Clean, and probably pristine...;)
Good luck with the tank in the future, definetly one of my favorite aquariums!!


Active Member
Thank you all for your wonderful comments.
I've got a few more of my Clarkii that I'll post real soon - new thread.


The pics look great. How about a whole tank shot. I am getting ready to set up a 120 and like the shots for Ideas:)


Active Member
Do you have a picture of your tank a year ago or so? I just want to see the growth of your corals over a year...especially the daisy polyps. Thanks


from the pics it looks like you bubble is real close to some of those other corals,do you have any problems with it stinging them?mine has gotten so big it killed half of a brain and really stung a leather bad. i moved them


Active Member
Thanks again ya'all
Here's a pic from couple days ago. It's almost a full tank shot.
You can see the shaggy stuff moving up the front of the glass on the right side of tank. Pruning the shag rug is easy - just reach in a pull some of it out. It's runners/roots don't adhear to anything very well - comes right off. I have not pruned it much though.
Bubble coral has not been a problem that I can see. No stinging issues so far.
I'll see if I can dig up some old pics of this tank for you Shoreliner11.