Picture Contest for newbies


Active Member
Hi, I'm Barry. I want to host a picture contest for new joins with a year or less from this date. I will only accept those that are current members so none will be judged that joined latter then yesterday. The first 2 people that post a remark after mine that have been here a year or more will be the judges including me.
The prize will be a frag from my tank. I will pay for shipping and everything. Post away. The pics. will be judged on:
1. "Wow" factor
2. content
3. uninhansed (sp) color
4. variety
It does need to be fish, tank, or coral related and from YOUR tank. I would like to see new photos (judged more favorably) but ones you have posted can be used. I decided to do it with a join date becuase some one with alot of experience could start a new user account and win. The first picture you submit will be your entry, no changing please.
Good luck and post away. PLEASE ONLY POST (1) ONE PICTURE and keep the size to 500x500 or less. This contest will run for 2 weeks.
Good luck.


Just to clear it up...is it full tank or just a picture of lets say a clown hosting? or a coral, etc...im sure this will be a question


Active Member
Originally Posted by aquatics24
Just to clear it up...is it full tank or just a picture of lets say a clown hosting? or a coral, etc...im sure this will be a question
Anything deemed worthy, of the tank, fish. coral whatever.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jam1e
great I was waiting for another contest to come up .. I love these things
Post your pic. then


Active Member
So does it have to be their own tank or a pic from anywhere they can get it??
Can they use a pic they already posted within the year.?
You mean only one picture per member, right ?
Can someone who entered, change their pic befor the two weeks end ?
So as long as they joined the site within the year, even if they have 10 years of experance, they can enter ?
An even number of judges could result in a tie.
Last contest got a little ugly because someone used someone elses tank shot and questioned this kind of stuff.
Just dont want to see this one get ugly.


I wish the contest could have been 3 weeks from now. I'm going to miss it
. I am a newbie but been gone for 3 months and will return soon to start adding things to my tank now that I have read and learned alot from all of these threads. Good luck to all next time I will be in it.


Active Member
Dogstar, you had good points, I think I addressed them when I did my edit. Will you be interested in helping me judge? Thanks for the input.


Hmmmm..........so many pics, so many subjects!

OK, why not my favorite fish to start it out? This is "Mike the Tiger" my LSU fish! :cheer:

tx reef

Active Member
I am getting in some really nice SPS today from a trade.
Once they open up, I think I may have the winning shot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Hi, I'm Barry. I want to host a picture contest for new joins with a year or less from this date. I will only accept those that are current members so none will be judged that joined latter then yesterday. The first 2 people that post a remark after mine that have been here a year or more will be the judges including me.
The prize will be a frag from my tank. I will pay for shipping and everything. Post away. The pics. will be judged on:
1. "Wow" factor
2. content
3. uninhansed (sp) color
4. variety
It does need to be fish, tank, or coral related and from YOUR tank. I would like to see new photos (judged more favorably) but ones you have posted can be used. I decided to do it with a join date becuase some one with alot of experience could start a new user account and win. The first picture you submit will be your entry, no changing please.
Good luck and post away. PLEASE ONLY POST (1) ONE PICTURE per entry and keep the size to 500x500 or less. This contest will run for 2 weeks.
Good luck.

Well, Funny I get this e-mail today. This is my one year anniversary in salt water. Converted my daughters 20G to salt a year ago and never looked back. I have been addicted ever since. I have since had a 10g, 20G, 29G,44g, 54g and this PIC of a 92G. Working on a large tank for the future. Need concrete slab poured though.


Active Member
I would like to help judge if you don't already have two people. I'm a month short of a year though.


Active Member
GRUMPYGILS!!! long time not talk! .. hows your panther grouper doing? .. haah .. you should show them that .. haha .. but no seriously hows it doing .. sorry everyone for the hijack just that one question than I'm done .. I'm gonna take some pix and I'll be back later with your winner


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jam1e
GRUMPYGILS!!! long time not talk! .. hows your panther grouper doing? .. haah .. you should show them that .. haha .. but no seriously hows it doing .. sorry everyone for the hijack just that one question than I'm done .. I'm gonna take some pix and I'll be back later with your winner
I saw you on this thread. PG is now 2 feel long and I moved him to my 29G seahorse tank. Ha. He is fine.....still small but being groomed for the 850G.


Active Member
Sure Hot, I will help out....already looks like a tough call...haha
I think you still need to make this clear...""PLEASE ONLY POST (1) ONE PICTURE per entry ""...so can a single MEMBER post more than one entry as long as each entry has only one picture ??


Active Member
sorry dogstar, i wasnt trying to start something,,, i just had to share the other,,i couldnt resist...thanks have a great day....