Picture Contest for newbies


Active Member
Originally Posted by debdeb
It's just a mushroom, but I really like the picture.
debdeb, what type of lighting is that under?


I'm running 195 watts of pc's on that 37 gallon tank. The mushroom is about 5" or so above the sand bed. Two of the pc's I'm running are those security lights, converted to aquarium lights that were being sold on the auction site. They are 6500k and really bright for pc's. I also have a full actinic coralife fixture in the hood. I had to move my lower light softies and shrooms to the bottom because they were getting too much light.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
i thought we were only allowed one pic? irf not i have about 50 more iw ould like to enter!

No, CGRANT broke the rules.
You are only allowed 1 picture.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
The judges have it covered, dont ya'll get us mad now.........

That was worded with much more grace then I was going to go with.


Active Member
this will be easier to judge when sidetracked statements are deleted and only pictures show...(mods may be able to do this if you wish, hot..)


Active Member
Originally Posted by coachKLM
this will be easier to judge when sidetracked statements are deleted and only pictures show...(mods may be able to do this if you wish, hot..)
Thanks coach. I make it simple for all the judges as I have gone all the way through and it's easy to see the ones that qualify for this contest and those that don't; but I see what you are saying. I don't think I want the mods to edit anything out just in case someone has a question later. I started it, I can devote the time. Ha! The judges have put alot of thought and work into this and I think that the winner once picked will be happy with the prize, which I will post on here. Barry


Active Member
Originally Posted by drewissett
Here it is,
PLEASE let me know if it is too big!!!
I tried to resize it,
Thanks, Great contest Barry!
perfect size and wonderful contender. Thanks for sharing. Barry

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdsmack
Im trying to enter a pic but cant seem to get it down to size
. Any suggestions thanks.
If all else fails, upload the picture to Photobucket, then post the link and then someone can re-size it for you.