Picture Contest for newbies


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tanks Alot
here is one of my russels lionfish

always a pleasure to see your lions

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Was NOT directed at just any one person and not at all you.
I understand, but I was going to disqualify anyways. :happyfish


Active Member

Originally Posted by alyssia
Yep, I agree. Are we going to communicate thru e-mail or what?
IDK, IDC. What ever Barry thinks...still a long time to go.....Maybe we could post 3 or 5 favorites and see what matches and go from there....That way some will see that they where among our favorite and will feel better about it even though they dont win.....there can be only one
....I just hope there want be any cry babies about it..
why didnt you pick mine ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Hi, I'm Barry. I want to host a picture contest for new joins with a year or less from this date. I will only accept those that are current members so none will be judged that joined latter then yesterday. The first 2 people that post a remark after mine that have been here a year or more will be the judges including me.
The prize will be a frag from my tank. I will pay for shipping and everything. Post away. The pics. will be judged on:
1. "Wow" factor
2. content
3. uninhansed (sp) color
4. variety
It does need to be fish, tank, or coral related and from YOUR tank. I would like to see new photos (judged more favorably) but ones you have posted can be used. I decided to do it with a join date becuase some one with alot of experience could start a new user account and win. The first picture you submit will be your entry, no changing please.
Good luck and post away. PLEASE ONLY POST (1) ONE PICTURE and keep the size to 500x500 or less. This contest will run for 2 weeks.
Good luck.
Hey B,
I already posted once, but can we post from separate tanks?

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
Very nice pics, I'm impressed.
I have one question though. I am seeing things in tanks that should not be in a tank that is less then 1 year old and some look like they have been established for longer then a year. How do you weed those out? Just a question, not looking to start a rant, just curious.
It doesn't matter how old your tank is.
If you joined this site less than a year ago you qualify. It doesn't matter if you have had a saltwater tank for 50 years as long as you have been a member of this site less than a year.
No one can enter a pic if they joined after the contest started, though.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Dogstar
IDK, IDC. What ever Barry thinks...still a long time to go.....Maybe we could post 3 or 5 favorites and see what matches and go from there....That way some will see that they where among our favorite and will feel better about it even though they dont win.....there can be only one
....I just hope there want be any cry babies about it..
why didnt you pick mine ?

That's why I was wondering if we would communicate thru email. If we openly post our individual favorites on here, we may have people get mad at us and act like big babies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
Very nice pics, I'm impressed.
I have one question though. I am seeing things in tanks that should not be in a tank that is less then 1 year old and some look like they have been established for longer then a year. How do you weed those out? Just a question, not looking to start a rant, just curious.
This is bascically to welcome new comers to this site. Not all new comers to this site are new to the HOBBY!


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
Hey B,
I already posted once, but can we post from separate tanks?
You can post more than 1 pic. however your FIRST submission will be the one judged for THIS competition. That will help keep someone from posting 15 pics. and making this overly long and hard task. Hope you understand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
What is the last day to post pics? I know it said 2 weeks but what day would that be from when the contest started?
I received my new MH lights but one of the bulbs were broken so my replacement won't be in until wednesday. I just wanted to make sure I still had time to get my pics with the new MH lighting and not my current T-6 lights.
5 oct. is what I figured to be the last day. I will give a count down as we get closer. Barry


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
Hey B,
I already posted once, but can we post from separate tanks?
Sounds fair to me. I should of waited and posted towards the end. ALways works in golf tournaments! Ha Ha!


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
This is bascically to welcome new comers to this site. Not all new comers to this site are new to the HOBBY!
im new can i post a pic of my new MANDARIN?!!!!! hes my favorit so far i saw him on top of my oyster shell but when i went to take a pic he dissapeared
it would of been a award winning pic
so can i?
and post it here i assume?


here goes my best so far....... i know everyone going to probably say it sucks but this tank only about 5 weeks old at the time the pic was taken
you can see my hammer coral, coral banded shrimp (if you look close enough) and alot of my hermits from the beach trip

oh and this is an aquapod 24
so i can only hope this makes in in the top 10



hmmm was hoping to see some type of feedback on my little nano tank lol, there is also 40lbs of ls and about 45 lbs of LR in there LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by aceheart
hmmm was hoping to see some type of feedback on my little nano tank lol, there is also 40lbs of ls and about 45 lbs of LR in there LOL
Your join date is 1.5 yrs ago so no you are not qualified for this one. Nano looks good though.