Picture Contest for newbies


thats weirded since i only joined 2 months ago lol. but just my luck that somewhere something happens to make me non eligible for something that i would like to have a chance at.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by aceheart
thats weirded since i only joined 2 months ago lol. but just my luck that somewhere something happens to make me non eligible for something that i would like to have a chance at.....
Your join date says Jan. 2005 which is 1.5 yrs ago. Thats what I have to go by. If that is not correct contact a moderator and see what they can do. Sorry


Active Member
Because this contest is for new members, some may not know how to post pics on the site. So heres a quick description how....Hope I dont confuse anyone...
Take your best shot
Load it into you computer
Use a photo program to resize or crop to 500 x 500 or less pixels ( paint program will work with strech/skew )
Name it and file it so you can find it later
To post here, click on post reply button
Type a message
Below the message box is the options box, click manage attachments
Another box should open and then click browse
Another box should open for you to find your pic from were you filed it in the computer
Double click on your pics name when you find it, that box will close
Thin click the upload button and " wait for it to upload "
After it uploads then close the box and then click the submit reply button in the options box
Should do it......or, you can use a hosting site (Imageshack, photbucket, ect.) to upload a pic there and then link it in you post useing directions from that hosting site, but for this contest, check the size before linking it.......
Hope this helps....


well, i guess i wont be getting into any contests around unless it is for older members and i know i wouldnt have the slightest chance with that

but thank you for the compliment hot883
but good luck to all those that are in the contest


Active Member
Originally Posted by aceheart
well, i guess i wont be getting into any contests around unless it is for older members and i know i wouldnt have the slightest chance with that

but thank you for the compliment hot883
but good luck to all those that are in the contest

Thanks for understanding. if your join date is wrong, please get it corrected and you are in this contest.


Active Member
efishnsea, thats another "Wow" factor. I saw that pic. on here the other day and wondered if you were gonna post it here. It captures the naturalness (my new word) of what can happen out of the ordinary. Barry


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
efishnsea, thats another "Wow" factor. I saw that pic. on here the other day and wondered if you were gonna post it here. It captures the naturalness (my new word) of what can happen out of the ordinary. Barry
Thanks, I was checking out my tank with the lights off with a red light. She was just chillin in the gsp. I couldnt resist a pic....


Active Member
i think im eligable for this,, ill choose my rerf tank instead of my agressive for once, since you can win corals


Active Member
thanks,, i love my cleanup crew IMO you can never have too much and i do little work to keep my tank clean because of these guys
i have 350 Ilyanassa Obsoleta snails
10 nerite snails
150 micro blueleg hermits
6 emerald crabs
2 cleaner shrimp
6 peppermint shrimp
1 sally lightfoot
and some hitchiker hermits


i hope the size is ok .. i couldnt load it by "managing attachments" [on here] for the life of me ..... so i used a program to resize the pixels .... :S ..i hope i can resubmit a diff size if this isnt ok :S:S:S


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fish911
i hope the size is ok .. i couldnt load it by "managing attachments" [on here] for the life of me ..... so i used a program to resize the pixels .... :S ..i hope i can resubmit a diff size if this isnt ok :S:S:S
No thats fine. great looking fish