Picture Diary


Active Member
Hello there, i thought i take pictures when i can, and instead of amking a new thread, why not just a little log book instead...so this will be my place to put pics of my tanks :joy: here are a few i just took, and also im posting some that i have somewhere else, but i like em so much i wanted to post again.



looks great! I am trying to get my digital to take good pictures. It was taking them great until I had to mess with the settings.


Active Member
haha,yea comment away, thats what i post em for, to share em and see what everyone things.
i love my xenia, it has grown alot lately.


Active Member
no, unfrotunately they are not a pair quite yet...and no, they have not started hosting yet either.....they are bickering a lot less so i'm hoping soon they'll start to court each other...and then take my xenia as their home



Active Member
boy i never realized that in pic three of post 8 my zoos are not completely covering the rock on the side, but if i look now, it is covered completely besides the very end....woohoo zoos!


Active Member
hey hey, i found this guy hiding out in my xenia, i think they moving in their stuff, i hope so! ***)


Active Member
well i think its happened...i think the clowns took home in my xenia tonight...thats where he seems to stay now for the most part..woohoooooooooooooo


Active Member
haha...i'll be getting some more zoos to show off soon too, i ordered some, but they wont be delivered for a while so i can work it into my schedule....i love em, man o man


Active Member
i think the humans habit of eating too much at dinner has carried its gene to others....as you can see

Luke ***) ***)
Normal.....then after...hahahaha