Picture Diary


that xenia is awsome how do you get it to sread like that
and those zoos are incredible too i love all the corols what kind of light and equipment do oyu have


Active Member
thanks...i enjoy takin pics of these guys alot.....
i have 130 PC lighting on my 20 long and have a refuge. they are starting to spread a lot more as of these past months...i used to cut the stalks and net them on rocks to help spread them, now i dont even need to, they just climb wherever they want...and everyone now and then if i see them jumping a space, i will cut the stalk so it grows where it is moving and where it came from.


Active Member
i wonder why it is that my mexican turbos like to go in my zoos and do their business(poop)...its like a bed of flowers for em i guess..


Active Member
For the next week or so I'm going to take pics every day or so and keep track of the polyp grow/spread and see how fast these little guys are growing :joy:


ok how do you get your zoos to open... i got mine on thursday and they were open then but since then they haven't opened... so the first day they looked pretty cool but since they have been closed and i am starting to worry because i have lost a plate coral already to who knows what!.. My PTA is doing fine and moving all over the place but the plate died and i don't want to my zoos to do the same.. what are you doing that i am not... my water is fine... no harmful stuff.. Any suggestions? :help:


Active Member
well sometimes zoos can take a while to finally open up....I had a colony that for whatever reason closed for a few days....I'm guessin there was something i was missing....but only a fwe survived...however, i do know one thing you should check them out very carefully for is the sundial snail these guys are nasty and can hide well...so do a good check of that.....what are your water paras....phosphates? what lighting? where are they positioned..


Active Member
my sexy shrimp is great, i think he has made that rock his home...he's gonna be mad when i have to take then in to the LFS.


Active Member
not take him back,sorry...i meant i'm gonna take my pulsing xenia in and sell it for credit...i try to keep my xenia concentrated on the two rocks...and so i put lose rocks around it so if it spread, it goes to those rocks, and then i take it in, and replace it...and so on. ***)
congrats on your 1,000th post, you've just won 5,000 dollars, woooooooo


i don't have a tester for Phos... and my lighting on my 100gal 3 MH 175W 10k with actinics.. the polyp is located on the bottom...


Active Member
I'd get a test for phosphates...maybe try placing them in another spot mid range, low/med flow....not sure what else to tell ya...may want to start a new thread where others will look too


Active Member
Dear Journal....haha...
I think my next project will be seahorses. I won't be setting anything for until at least Oct after me and my fiance get married and find a place. But I do have a 75gallon that is just extra that i've been going back and forth on if i want it to be saltwater, or connect it to my exisitng freshwater....So maybe this tank will be used for that, however i am concerned that this will cost a lot of money to stock it with LR,LS, filter,etc etc....so maybe i will just get a nice 29 or so...but anyways, to continue:
I would like to, at the moment, stock it with a pair or two of E Erectus. And then load it up with zoanthids....i have this problem with zoanthids and having to have them,lol....but i think it would look great and the seahorses like to have scenery too ya know. I'm sure as time rolls on my thoughts will change...but gosh darn it, zoanthids are gonna be the curse of me....that is all.


Active Member
I really like the purple/blue shrooms!!

J/K everything looks great, Bronco. OUr Xenia is spreading now as well. It is still one big stalk, but it is on 2 different pieces of rock.

Keep up the good work.


Active Member
haha, thanks farmer- there purple shrooms are actually diff ones then what i got from yours....yours, well, he ran away....

that xenia will blow ya over soon enough