Picture Diary


Active Member
oh, and tomorrow is the big day that my zoanthids will comeeeeee, i cannot wait...
its so hard not to skip my classes when i know my zoos are just sitting and waiting to be opened
the post office at our college used to hate me i think, i had gotten some boxes that leaked, and of course leaked on others....oops....but i won them over by showing them pictures of my tank, waaahahahaaa....hope tomorrow then come great, they usually do from this person i get mine from. ***)


Active Member
pics for your enjoyment taken today:
I'm gettin this cyano problem and its really starting to aggrevate me....but last night i kept the lights on foreverrrrrrr because kelly(fiance) thought itd be ok to tell someone to come on over to get a mushroom and xenia frag...even though i told her NO,lol...i think it was on 12 hours, not good not good.....hopefully i can get it back to normal soon. any suggestions besides water changes, light lesson maybe, suck it out?
here you are:


Active Member
my lights are a dual satellite 2x65W PC...
i have:
2 clownfish
1 firefish
1 peppermint shrimp
1 sexy shrimp
1 emerald crab
snails and hermits


Active Member
hmmm....i dont really remember, 3/4 months? before this i had a 10gallon, but upgraded...overall i had sw for about 7months i believe now...i like the long tanks soooo much more, tons more room for stuff to spread out, what about you?


Active Member
boy oh boy is she mad at this guy...comin out of no where slidin around everywhere....i found him on the zoos...i think i have two of these guys now...or, i think they're the same...


Active Member
Arrrrrg quit posting without a picture! You made me look!

The ones I got yesterday are really looking nice... I'll take some more pics and post em up in my thread in a bit.


not to hijack but what are the light required to keep xenia... 26 PC on a 90 be ok? 2 actinic and 2 daylight led moon lights.. I bet they would look really cool under the moon lights