Picture Diary


Active Member
i have mostly softies, zoos, mushrooms, candy cane, galaxea, hammer, pulsing xenia, and now have some sps.....if you're looking for 30" 130W current USA has some dual 65W that length, i have one that i am not using if you're interested in buying


Active Member
Thanks. I think that im going with 36 inch 192 watt if there is a way to mod them. If not ill get back to you.


Active Member
just a pic for the heck of it-i like the green, and i think the others are still working on coloring up more


Active Member
very nice.
Love thse green palys and your rics. I got a new one yesterday. it kinda rainbow. my lfs accually gave me a deal. the first time. they usually charge 20 a polyp, and she gave me two for 20 and both have two mouths.


Active Member
thanks for the comments guys! i love the rics and zoos.....i got my rics for 12 i think...20 a polyp is crazy, an lfs around here has them for 35 per polyp regardless of color!


Active Member
wow 35 per polyp. kinda high isnt it. I wish i had taken spegs offer last yr. he could get them for 5 bucks each. I never did have him get me any. I have three colors now.


Active Member
5?! wow thats good...yea 35 is rediculous, but im thinking if i take frags in then maybe i'll get some good credit for em,lol


Active Member
haha, i could frag the green one right now...i had a frag of the orange but i think a fish/crab must have lifted it, dont know where it went!


Active Member
AND BEST OF ALLLLL....MY clownfish have decided to HOST my anemone!!!!! here is a pic and a short short video!!!!



Active Member
thanks, here is another short vid...once he leaves the anemone you can stop watching, nothing else happens unless you like the reflections,lol
