Picture Diary


Active Member
Wooooooooow!!! okay...I'll be right back......I got to clean the dribble of my keyboard! Those are amazing coral!!!!!!!! :happyfish


Active Member
depends where you find them, dont let people push the price up...i cant remember what i got mine for...i DID have a small frag of 20-30 polyps that i think i got for 20 or so...i love my zoos, and there are some at another LFS around here, but they want $60 for like 20polyps pl8us some other ugly coral...no way i can do that


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
haha, always, still? have you them before in my tank?
I thought I had seen those in your tank way back, maybe not! At anyrate I have always liked that particular variety.


Active Member
If you recently got them, they may color up... I had some that were apple green but otherwise looked just like those.


Active Member
i bought them actually because i thought they would color up...they already have a lot, they used to be a dull brown, and you could just tell a little differences within colors on each zoo...and if you look you can see the light green tint...and so far they have done quite a bit, and i think the partially green tint will continue.


Active Member
I just remembered you had some hydroids you were having a problem with awhile ago and I was wondering if you ever found a solution to the hydoid problem. Sadly the hydoids I killed are back in the same place and looking like they are spreading..