Picture Diary


Active Member
no, i tried boiling water and it didnt seem to work, only thing i tried besides takinga razor to them..otherwise they have mostly faded out


Active Member
thanks KG2---i just got done putting on new lights, if you look in the reef section i have a few pics there, i'll try to get some up here to


Active Member
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW....pardon me while I drool over here. Are ya sure you did paste that from a national geographic Bronco!!!!!!


***) Thanks for the zoo frags luke. The xenia finally started pulsing again yesterday!!!! All the zoos finally opened up, Im going to start feeding everything plankton, and I need to find some mysis shrimp for my clowns and I get to go pick up my new bubble tip tomorrow!!!


Active Member
thanks anub, i'm trying my best, now just being patient while my zoos rule the tank. ***)
haha, ryky, no, i didnt steal any pics!!

brandan, good to hear--hope they keep doing great for ya!! start a thread with pics to share


Active Member
the last picture is my galaxea up close, i love how it looks, cant wait till it gets bigger...i think they look amazing in a nice current


Your tank is looking good Bronco. Can't wait to see it in person! You coming to the Newport trip this weekend?