Most Likely FOWLR for right now. I think Reef is way out of my League at this point in time. So far I have had good luck with the Damsels and the one Puffer that I had (Except I had to take puffer back after 2 weeks because he was Slowly decimating my Hermit Crabs and Snails) I just added a lawnmower Blenny to help with Algae Problem that was almost cleared up until puffer ate most of cleaning crew.
I keep buying Live rock as I can afford it. Sometimes I feel ike this hobby is sucking the life out of me and my bank account.
You know it is bad when I cry because I don't have the right heater for the Trash can with the salt water Mixed in it. boyfriend I think is sorry he bought set up sometimes.

But I keep Learning as I go. Just kinda frustrating at times.
Oh Yeah I tried to buy LR form LFS Store Tanks but he said something about having to dose the tank a long time ago and would not feel comfortable selling me rock from tank. This is the Only LFS within 1 hour from me unless you count ***** but they just built store and tanks are probably younger than mine. I might try buying some fish online after It has been awhile Like over 6 months.