pictures of my 210


Active Member
Nice pis fk. When I got my bulbs they burned different color and then one that was yellow burned out, suppose to be 14k. Hamilton warranteed it and it's back in business.


Active Member
Hey fk, you might be able to trade the lfs that dead coral for something. I did and got a wellsophyllia brain outta the deal...


Warning WIll Robinson, Danger Danger!
Here is the support skinny. All of the weight is being supported by the single 2by header framing the stairs. The weight on the floor joists is transfers the weight onto that header and the header on the opposite end. BUT, since the tank is above the end of the joists next to the stairs, only a small percentage of the wiehgt is actually being transferred to the wall with vertical support.
As an immediate measure, accurately measure the distance from the bottom of the header to the floor. cut a 4x4 approximately 1/4 inch longer than that measurement and tilt it into place with the bottom centered under the header approximately at the end of the tank...this doen't have to be exact but use a plumb bob to make sure the bottom end is directly under the header. drive the top end of the 4x4 under the header (do this inline with the header and it will slip right into place with a liberally applied 6 lb hammer)nto place under the area where the tank is. Go to the other end and repeat the process... measure the distance for number 2 AFTER number one is in place. Cut number two about 1/8 of an inch longerthan the measurement. Place the first 4 x 4 closest to the bottom of the stairs, the second back towards the top of the stairs.
Engineering is such a fine art, get the BIG hammer, Bubba


Ideally the second 4 x 4 you drive in, should come to rest under the header and the joist it is hanging from, supporting both .. make sure the 4x4 are plumb! use a thread and paperclip if you don't have a plumb bob. BTW, if the concrete floor is slick, it may be easier to drive the 4x4s at the bottom, if not, it will slide across the wood.


Active Member

Originally posted by POPRFD

they have been getting along, they arent mean to each other


just wanna say AWESOME tank!!!!

but i would def. at least do that 4x4 fix.. thats a LOT of wieght and i wouldnt put it off...thats just me...
again nice tank... ill have one, oneday