As you can see in the first picture my LMB would rather sit and enjoy the green fuzzy rather than eat it. Anyways I attached two pictures so you could all get the idea of length and size of the hair algae my tank is 30" high 47 Gallon. Any ideas how to get rid of it. My tank has been up for almost 5 months I use RO water, temp 81ish, trates 0, trites 0, ph 8.3, 1.024 salinity , I have tried Emaralds and a lawnmower blenny my next thing is to try a sea hare, but do you thinks the algae is to long already for the sea hare? It would be a major pain to try to take all the rock out and scrub, but if thats the way its got to be I guess I'll do it. Is there possibly a tool I could use to cut or scrub while siphoning it. It would have to be a long tool because of the hight of the tank. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.