Pictures of Puffers?


Thanks NixPack glad you like the picture.
yeah that little puffer is a pig at times he will take food away from my triggers. He sure acts like a dog, I just need to teach him some new tricks now .:thinking:


Active Member

Originally posted by salty chee
Hey lion crazy, do your lion and puffer live together?:notsure:

Yes, they have lived very peacefully in my 75 for a year now but they will be getting a 210 by this summer/fall for them to grow up in.


I am new here and to saltwater aquariums. I had my 125-gallon system assembled about a month ago and will be introducing damsels next week. About two years ago, I locked eyes with an adorable little PORCUPINE PUFFER. That fateful event started me on this journey. I agree with Claudia ... they are truly fascinating!
I am starting to familiarize myself with compatible fish with the help of my aquarium maintenance guy (who will be holding my hand while I learn all about this new hobby). I would interested to know what works well for anyone else who owns a puffer. Your comments and suggestions would be welcome. I also love all the pictures. I look forward to adding my own very soon!
Be well.


Aside from inverts, there are endless possibilities that go well with puffers. Angels, tangs, foxface, anthias, triggers, eels, groupers, most don't think lions go well with them but porcupine puffers seem to be the exception to that rule. My lion never gets bothered by my porky.


Many thanks for your input. I love angels, so I'm glad to know that some can live in harmony with the PP. BTW, Gus Gus is SUCH a cutie! He looks like the one I fell in love with with those beady little eyes, non-stop fins and adorable little expression. I know I shouldn't do this, but I have already pre-named my PP yet to be acquired. My little puffer will be fondly known as "Gandolf".
Can't wait. I'll keep you posted.
Be well.


Great choice of fish to fall for, they are so fun and hardy. I can actually reach in and hand feed or pet gus gus! Best of luck when you get your puffer.


I'm so jealous of all you Puffer owners! (now there's a phrase I never thought I'd write!)
Any of you who own a Puffer also own a webcam? I'd love to be able to check into a streaming video cam online and watch your tanks. Since I don't have a tank yet, I have to live vicariously. Here is a link to a Puffer Cam Only trouble is, I haven't seen a puffer since I've been tuning in (several weeks now). I see a Niger Trigger and a Humu Humu and occasionally, a black/white damsel but no Puffers.
So now I'm hoping someone on this board will take on a new Puffer Cam Project.
Who wants to see one? Show of hands, please!


Can't wait to hear about Gandolf and see pictures of him when you finally get him. How exciting! If I could get a porc. puffer, I'd name mine Nigel. I don't know...just seems to fit the quirky little guys.
And here's a werid question that is OT...are you a Luka Bloom fan by any chance? He always signs his notes to his fans with a "Be Well" or a "Slainte"


Active Member
Here is my small Longnose Spotted Puffer.
He's in my 29 gallon, and is very peaceful. Maybe I got lucky, but it doesn't bother any corals or inverts in my tank. It likes to eat flake food and occasionally krill.
He will also eat right out of my hand; very nice fish that has to show off every time I come near the tank.
Well, pics aren't working right now......


Liquidonyx--Oh, wow! Look at that thing! Is that a Porcupine or one of the other types that has the spikes, too but they are always erect and don't lay flat like the Porcupine? His spikes just look so extra long.
Thanks for posting!


GoldPuffer...sorry to hear about your little guy. He was so cute. What a waste! How long did you have him?


Active Member
I've got a few short videos from my camera of my puffer attacking some frozen krill. If you are interested, I could email them to would almost be like a short video cam.

Here is a pic of him, since the pics seem to be working now.


Ooo, he's cool, too. Is he in a reef and if so, is he behaving in there? I guess I want the best of both worlds...I want a Puffer (even a small toby), but I also want a reef tank. *sigh*
And yes, Darknes, I'd love to see the video. Please email it to me.


Active Member
As I said earlier, he is a very peaceful fish. I have a reef tank with him, and he doesn't bother any of my corals or inverts. Maybe I just got lucky.
I sent you the videos. I especially like the one where my puffer and LMB are fighting over a piece of krill.