Pictures of Sumps


Active Member
HAvent been to either... ill have to check them out...
FYI: Ocean of Pets in Woonsocket is pretty good, RI Pets on n. main st in prov is pretty good as well. I usually go to tropical isle in Framingham, ma


Active Member
I don't have any pictures right now but I can explain it...
Water pours over the overflow in my tank and goes through a tube toward the sump. From there it splits at a tee. Some of it goes to my trickle filter and some of it goes to my fuge. I control the amount with a simple pill bottle cap. I wedged the cap into the tee and I pushed a pin through the tube so that the cap would be held in just the right position to restrict the waterflow to the fuge. It is entirely adjustable this way and was a lot simpler than buying a valve to do it...
The water that goes to the fuge first passes over a plexiglass dam that has a flat surface under the flourescent light. I use this like an algae scrubber. Water then spills over the plexiglass plate and into a lower chamber that houses my mangroves. Here the mangroves remove nitrates and phosphates to keep algae out of the tank. Then the water is siphoned through a U tube into the sump where it is sucked up into my skimmer. The skimmer is fed with an oxone unit which makes the water completely clear. Water empties out of the skimmer and back into the same sump where it is picked up by the main pump. Here it passes through a UV sterilizer and goes back into the tank.
Meanwhile the water that doesn't go to the fuge goes to the trickle filter instead. Here I have some bioballs which work to reduce ammonia and nitrites from the tank. After that the water goes to the part of the sump that houses the skimmer where it goes through that process and gets passed through the UV sterilizer and pumped back into the tank.
In the tank I have LR to remove some more nitrates and a good cleanup crew (from this site).
Overall it has proven to be a very low maintanance system. All I really have to do is an occasional water change and I clean the glass about once a week with the magnet. The CC stays clean and the fish seem real healthy. I maintain 0 ppm nitrates, trites and ammonia. The pH never varies and the alk stays high as well. I don't have many corals but I plan on growing this system to a full reef. SLOWLY.... It has been established for 5 years. There's no rush in this hobby...


Active Member
Originally Posted by NYTrillium
Holy pile of rock !!!!! :scared: lol I hope thats not your DT and your just cycling in there. Where do the fishies go?
LOL! That's exactly what I thought! Where'd the water go?-


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dexter
20G fuge for my 100G DT. Closed loop.
DUDE!!! We have the same skimmer! I love mine! Good to see someone else going with the kent TE. :joy:

r double23

New Member
I have a natulis skimmer, 50g coral/fisk tank, chiller, and pc lighting. What size sump should I have? Most importantly did you create the seperation walls in the sump yourself and if so are they made from plexi glass? Thank you in advance.


55 gal TruVu acrylic Main Tank with
20g (?) sump and skimmer
my supply is a black overflow box in the back that comes down through a ribbed tube on the right hand side, returns with a 700gph sump through 3/4" flexible plastic tubing that goes up through the other side of the black box in the back of the tank.
Still on my first cycle. Will try and post more pics when my Fiance' gets home with the camera.



This is a great thread, im in the process of making a 20g sump. Thanks to all that posted and hopefully more will post.


A question for those who made their sumps out of premade aquariums. What did you use for the bubble trap (i think thats what their called). Did you cut your own glass / plexi or did you order them from somewhere? Also what kind of adhesive did you use? I'm in the process of building my own sump and would really appreciate any help. Thanks again.

That said, please continue with the sump photos. ***)


A good sump from what I can see for building can be found at melevsreef dot com. That is where that 1 sump posted by dmjordan is from.