Pictures of Sumps


Active Member
Originally Posted by jeps
A question for those who made their sumps out of premade aquariums. What did you use for the bubble trap (i think thats what their called). Did you cut your own glass / plexi or did you order them from somewhere? Also what kind of adhesive did you use? I'm in the process of building my own sump and would really appreciate any help. Thanks again.

I used a 10 gal glass aquarium with a precut plexiglass dam that divides it in half for my fuge. The water with the bubbles fills up the first chamber, settling out most of the bubbles. Then it spills over the dam into a lower chamber. Here I have a PVC U tube to siphon the water out of the 10 gal fuge and into my sump. The U tube is cut so that it comes just about a quarter of an inch off the bottom of the sump and the refugium. This way any bubbles that are still in the water will not get sucked into my sump because the U tube is down low near the bottom.
I only use aquarium grade silicone. I tried using regular silicone one time and the results were disasterous. I cut my own plexiglass with a circular saw.


for a refugium could i just have one powerhead pumping water into the right side of the tank then just let the water drip out the left? is this how you guys do it or is it alot more difficult than this?


Active Member
How do you mean "drip out of your tank"? Do you have an overflow tray or something to channel the water into your main tank? If so then that would work.


Here is mine before I simplified it even more....(took out all the base rock, and flipped the egg crate horizontal inside flow area to make another drip tray)....


Originally Posted by Sly
How do you mean "drip out of your tank"? Do you have an overflow tray or something to channel the water into your main tank? If so then that would work.
yeah. im making my 7g long into a HOB sump/fuge for my 29g. i was just wondering



It's a 60in X 30in X 30in which I'm currently cycling with about 100kg of liverocks. I've got the 2 protein skimmers running on the main tank. Wont run in the sump as the sump is only half full when running.

Water runs from the weir in the main tank and then down a 20mm hose and then into the spinning arm which causes the water to spread on the wool then seep through to the clay balls and then another layer of wool and then bio ball and then is pump back up to the main tank.

Picture of the spinning arm.


jeps said:
A question for those who made their sumps out of premade aquariums. What did you use for the bubble trap (i think thats what their called). Did you cut your own glass / plexi or did you order them from somewhere? Also what kind of adhesive did you use? I'm in the process of building my own sump and would really appreciate any help. QUOTE]
I had three pieces of glass cut at my local hardware store - very inexpensive. Then I used home cheapo 100% silicone for windows/trim (NOT bathroom and kitchen).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Weberian
Then I used home cheapo 100% silicone for windows/trim (NOT bathroom and kitchen).
I would not recommend this. I used regular "100% silicone" for my tank once and it almost killed everything. The problem is that regular silicone does not ever fully cure. It bleeds acids in the tank slowly over time as it is curing. I had to scrape it out and use "aquarium grade silicone" which I highly recommend.
[edit] There is the chance that the problems I had with my tank were not silicone related but I could never prove it exactly. All I know is that as soon as I tried to seal up a leak in my fuge with regular silicone, my tank suddenly became overrun with brown slimy algae. I quickly lost several fish and it took many waterchanges to get it stabilized again.
When I sealed up the fuge with regular silicone, I let it cure for 3 days before I put it back in the tank system... After the algae outbreak I scraped it off and used aquarium grade silicone and did not have any more problems.


PFitz44 -what kind or model of light canopy you used in that picture ?
Did you build it yourself or you buy it ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sly
I would not recommend this. I used regular "100% silicone" for my tank once and it almost killed everything. .

SEE Post 16 - the specs for this manufacture are identical for both Aquarium version and general use version. Read the PDFs that are linked. The difference is price. However, the choice is yours...


Active Member
Here is mine; left side, right side and then main tank to show lights on fuge is on when MT is off. Yes, the blue light on my MT is the computer screen reflection.
