

Okay-here's something really cool about the Blue-spotted puffer. I was looking for it tonight in the tank, and couldn't find it anywhere!
Finally saw it-right in front of me on the highest rock. Most of it's beautiful spots were discolored and it had taken on the same schematics as the rock. I managed to get a decent shot of it.
I had no clue the guys were masters of disguise
Here's the before shot:



Originally posted by Ashleigh
Hey Shanna, I'm in Plano. Where did you buy him? Oops...Can I ask that question? If not email me at Thanks!

yeah-just to be on safe side, I replied back to your email. also wanted to give kudos to a new LFS we found.



Originally posted by Redsnapper
Don't puffers eat stars? Just asking because mine almost ate my star so i had to put him in my other tank.

heh, well this star has no choice. My other tank has a BTA in it.
If anything, we won't have to feed the puffer for a while!




Originally posted by logen32
what is the minimum size u need for this puffer. I realy like it.

It will get huge in about three years. (we were told about 12-24 inches)
We have a 50 gallon and were told it wouldn't be enough in a few years. We were also told to slow way down on feeding, perhaps to three times a week or less and it won't grow as fast. and pray for a runt.
We picked it up at Dallas North Aquarium.
Also saw one about same price, maybe a few dollars cheaper at Fish Gallery. Both locations here in Dallas.



Originally posted by AKinda
could those go in with gold maroons?

um, not sure. I'm pretty new.
This puffer is pretty passive.
We spent a good part of the evening chasing a damsel out cuz he was picking on the puffer.
If it's aggressive or territorial, I'd say no.
but check with the pros...


I picked this Spotted Puffer up at DNA and he nipped on everything in the tank. Unfortunately, I had to trade him.
FYI Shanna...I have found DNA is probably the most expensive LFS in the area. I'm just looking out for ya. They have some very nice things...they are just over priced in my eyes.



Originally posted by JSB
I picked this Spotted Puffer up at DNA and he nipped on everything in the tank. Unfortunately, I had to trade him.
FYI Shanna...I have found DNA is probably the most expensive LFS in the area. I'm just looking out for ya. They have some very nice things...they are just over priced in my eyes.

I totally agree with you.
Now would someone tell my bf to stop going there????
We just discovered Fish Gallery off of Greenville and we are hooked. Outstanding water conditions and awesome selection at very nice prices. ;)
Thanks and take care:)