Pink Montipora turning white


Originally Posted by 805puffer
It looks like the white is about the same, it is hard to tell.
tank parameters=
ph- 8.6
alk- (my test just has a low, normal, high range) it is jsut above the normal range.
cal- 400
po4- 1
the tank has been setup for about 2 years with me and then another guy had it for about 8 years. Im not sure how much flow, but there is a good amount becasue the frag would fall off the rock if it wasn't glued down.I have a rio pump that pumps 1090 GPH, and i have 1 powerhead in the tank.
the tank is a 110 gallon, for lighting i have 2 mh 10,000K, 2 actinics 96w, and 1 t5 35w.
thanks, and how would i frag it, do i get a dremel and cut it off or something?
In my opinion you are asking for problems if you dont know your alk, normal will not due with SPS get your self a test kit that will tell you exact number. They are hardy and may come back. Read these


Originally Posted by crzyfshygy
No dremel....break it with your hand. Try to keep the hand off the top polyps. It will need to heal, keep it in high light and good flow but direct.
Find a place where it wont keep moving or falling!!
I want to correct what I wrote I did not mean "direct" I meant indirect, the polyps should move at random times in different directions.
Get a couple Seio powerheads....I have 2 820's in a 65gl plus a maxi 1200 and I could still use more flow.
Your tank should turnover atleast 33 times an hour. it sounds unrealistic, but its not. Mine does about that with the return pump.


I just want to add something in case someone that just aquires a monti cap reads this and starts to freak out. This is different then what is wrong with the original posters coral. It is a good thing for the edges to be white on a monti. It grows by creating a white skeleton on the edge and then growing over that.
The first time I put one in my tank I got it from a tank w/ insufficient lighting so it didn't have much of a white edge. In two days I started to get a white edge and I freaked out. But it was because my tank was in better condition and it stimulated growth. In good conditions these things grow like crazy and have a very well defined white edge.


Active Member
from my experiences caps really get affected by low alk... check ur alk and add more flow like suggested and things should improve....
hey if u live close to me i live in simi valley u can swing by my pad sometime and i can "give" u a monti frag $50 is way too much for a monti frag but i hope it heals up for yah


ok, im going to add 3 of those power heads that rotate.
if i ever head down to simi valley i will contact you, thanks for the offer. i know it was a high price for the frag but i heard that they grow like a weed, so i just bought it.


Active Member
no prob just let me know... they do grow good once situated ina tank....
key is u have to make sure they are happy