Pistol Shrimp??


Active Member
What do yall think about a pistol shrimp I have been reading about the relationship between a watchman goby and a pistol shrimp. I think it souds cool. Are they bad???


I have never known anyone who had them, but i haven't heard anything about them killing their prey with sound. I thought they were peaceful srhimp.


Active Member
yes they do use a large click with their claws to kill prey- i had one a while back with a goby- awsome sight. It never killed anything- on a video i saw one kill a smaller shrimp and eat it but i had a cleaner and it didnt touch it-


I just ordered one the other day at the lfs for my white rayed prawn goby. Hopefully they will pair up because some(gobies) only pair up with spacific shrimp. I couldn't find the natural shrimp buddy for this guys so i went with on that looked cool.


I have one and it is so cool. He builds a tunnle that is about 10 inches long with the main part under a mushroom rock. sometimes he burries the muchrooms a little but they just close up and then open again over his neat little piles. I have a barberpole goby (yellow nose shrimp goby) and they get together well. If I offer the shrimp a piece of calerpa mexicana, he uses his claw to snip off pieces and put them in his burrow. it makes a loud noise and it scared me the first time he did this. He is peaceful and hasnt harmed anything. he is so interesting to watch. He uses his claws like a mini bulldoser and pushed the CC around. then he picks up small shells and uses them to build his burrow, like supports or something.
In summary, he is probably the coolest think I have in my tank.


i think i have 2 pistol shrimp in my tank. when i was changing tanks i found two little things that looked like yabbies (they are a freshwater crayfish found throughout australia in dams) or crayfish, they were clear and had one claw bigger than the other. i always thought that i had mantis shrimp in my tank because of all the clicking that goes on at night and the fact that i have already removed one, but then i read about these pistol shrimp who make clicking sounds and they looked the same as the things i found. i have had no trouble with them as i dont see them that often. they havent touched my cbs or crabs but they are only 1" long.


we caught 1 last night he is green with 1 big hammer of a claw he is not very big only about a half inch but he is cool looking i will try to get some pics later im at work now,we put him in a 2 gal octogon just to check him out (we heard the clicking and then 1 night we saw what rock he went in grabed it up real fast and got him )


i have a ed pistol pair up with a randall's goby, they work so nice together, im looking for a female randall's to try an "see what happends" bein that my male and shrimp have a few burrows the've made together.
I also have peppermint shrimps that get chased off more by the goby then the pistol shrimp


if you are 100% positive this is a pistol then yes you can put it back in. If it is a mantis you will be then asked to send it to me! :D
Post a pic if you can just to get a positive ID


he is about a half inch long and he is clear with green stripes he has 1 big claw and 1 small. his big claw is allmost as big as his body and has 2 very small claw tips that are white, we heard the clicking isent that a sure sign or do mantis click too??
he is as cool as anything iv seen in SW tanks u can hear him hit tweasers if u stick them in the water..:)awesome animal.


sounds like a nice pistol to me
Mantis do click too but pistols have 2 different claw sizes.
I'd say put him in an enjoy the sandstorm... actually mine doesnt even stir up allot of sand, only when he is cleaning his house.


great thank u very much ill get some pics of him b4 i put him back in even if i have to use a 12X lens in front of the camera


I dont think the clicks kill the prey, it stuns them im pretty sure.


Pistol shrimp produce a sonic boom with their claw... Like a whip crack. They don't nessecarily kill things that are large, but individual or small groups of brine shrimp are knocked out of the water like flies over a barbeque grill.