

My LR is now starting to grow small plants out of it. Most are small with leafs that are wide and green some have red vessels running into the bases. They are not algae. I also have a different plant that is brown and stringgy. It looks like it has flowers on the tips. Wish i had pic but i can't take any. Any one have any ideas.


Because it does not look like any algae that i have ever seen. Also my cleanup crew will not eat it. I don't know a lot about algae but it looks to well structured to be aglae. Its no big deal i just wanted to know if it was good or not.
If anyone has any pic that my be of some help.


Active Member
what about some sort of macro algae, maybe halimeda, caulpera, thisgs like that sort. The reddish looking plant is probably kelp, most likely grape.